This Tuesday, the National Assembly must vote on aid to Ukraine. Which parties will vote for the bilateral security agreement concluded with the Ukrainian president by Emmanuel Macron and conversely who will oppose it?

The National Assembly must decide this Tuesday from 4:30 p.m. on the bilateral security agreement concluded between Emmanuel Macron and the Ukrainian president, which notably contains military cooperation but also financial aid to the tune of three billion euros this year . This debate, followed by a vote, promises to be heated, notably pitting the majority against France Insoumise and the National Rally. While the debate has not yet begun, the different camps are already asserting themselves.

Jordan Bardella, in fact, warned in Telematin that the “RN will abstain” during the vote, despite its support for Ukraine. The leader of the European party believes that “red lines” have been crossed, particularly regarding Ukraine’s accession to the European Union and NATO. He also denounces the recent comments of Emmanuel Macron who had not ruled out sending troops to Ukrainian soil and affirmed that there were “no limits” to support for kyiv. “The escalation in which Emmanuel Macron is engaged is an irresponsible, dangerous path that worries the French.”

Same story with the LFI. The party coordinator Manuel Bompard is in turn opposed to an agreement containing these two perspectives of membership on RTL. He also deplores “total madness” in the president’s comments. On the left, the PCF also places itself in opposition. On Europe 1, the party’s general secretary, Fabien Roussel, affirmed that his group would vote against “if the Prime Minister’s speech takes up the elements found in the treaty that Mr Macron signed with Volodymyr Zelensky”. For Fabien Roussel, the mention of Ukraine’s possible entry into NATO is “a provocation”, accusing Renaissance of becoming “the party of war”.

The left, however, is divided on the issue. Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the PS list for Europeans, welcomed the holding of the debate and urged “all those who are attached to democracy and the security of Europe to vote for this agreement”. The Republicans and EELV should also support the majority. The president of the Republicans, Eric Ciotti, however, deplored “the exploitation of the conflict in Ukraine for the European elections”.

The result of the vote could therefore be close. After the Assembly, a similar debate will be held in the Senate.