A pot to raise funds from individuals should help the relatives of Alexandra and her daughter, victims of a fatal accident on Tuesday January 24.

The death of Alexandra, the 36-year-old breeder, and her 12-year-old daughter, killed in a road accident while taking part in a demonstration by angry farmers in Ariège, aroused strong emotion. On BFMTV, Jérôme Bayle, a farmer who has been in great demand by the media since last week, indicated that a pot would be created to support the family and first and foremost the father who lost his wife and daughter. “Jean-Michel, her husband, will not be able to work again straight away. We don’t have work stoppages in agriculture, the animals have to eat every day. We need people to take care of the animals,” added Jérôme Bayle.

The latter also indicated that several professionals had offered to take charge of part of the activity of the man still hospitalized: “When I asked the farmers of Haute-Garonne if it was necessary to make convoys to go to Alexandra’s farm and help the family, her friends to work, I have a lot of people who came to see me and said ‘you tell us, we are ready to go'”, a- he indicated on the air of BFMTV this Wednesday morning.