Who knows what to give Loved ones for Christmas, like to vouchers under the Christmas Tree. But to spend money, is often given all in vain.

concerts, cinema or Shopping vouchers are a welcome gift idea, if you know what you want To for Christmas as a gift. So about a voucher for a value of up to an impressive 1.7 billion annually in Germany (!) Euro under the Christmas Tree land. Yet, as of now, experts reports, are redeemed most of them never.

vouchers for Christmas are often not redeemed – big business for Online merchants

According to the marketing scientist Thorsten Hennig-Thurau of the University of Münster, in fact, approximately ten to 50 percent of all gift cards expire . And who benefits the most? The organizers and Online retailers. But it gets even better: This should not even speculate to the fact that the recipient redeem their vouchers. Finally, you earn on non-used Tickets.

For the traders this is a lucrative business , ” says Hennig-Thurau, compared to Focus Online. After all, it was a professional Marketing method for customer retention , he explains. The dealer would make in the run-up to Christmas, in November and December, the biggest (voucher)business. “ Christmas is in the interest of the customers of vouchers in approximately twice as great as usual “, says Hennig-Thurau. “There is a certain percentage of people give away coupons, this will now be an intense struggle.”

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don’t throw it away! Coupon expired – you should now

Who receives a voucher to do you should therefore make sure that the gift Coupon for at least one year valid (always at the end of the following year) are not allowed for shorter periods. The voucher should then be able to be three years redeemed . Good to know: If there is no time limit on the voucher, it expires after three at the latest three years. What to do if your voucher is already expired?

Then you should not toss him better immediately. Even if it is expired, it has a value – just not for the agreed performance. According to Paragraph 812 of the BGB, you are entitled, however, that you the amount of money is paid out, minus the profit margin of the merchant (usually around 15 to 25 percent). The provider, however, in the meantime, insolvent, and forfeit of the voucher unhappy. There are, however, a successor for the Store, he has to pay the “debt”.

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