This aid can be paid without any means conditions.

“I earn too much to get benefits!” Many French people say this phrase to themselves, often rightly. The aid paid by the Family Allowance Fund (Caf) is in fact correlated with household income, but there are some exceptions that are often unknown to the general public. And which can prove very useful. Certain systems offered by Caf are accessible to everyone, regardless of their standard of living. One of them allows you to receive 200 euros to finance training in a professional environment which is recruiting a lot.

While summer and its long school holidays will be upon us in a few weeks, the time has come for a vast hiring campaign for positions to be filled throughout the summer. Announcements of all kinds are popping up, with the time now being to compose the teams who will carry out various missions during the summer period. But very often, a diploma or experience is required, which is not always easy to acquire. This is where Caf comes into play.

The public administration is in fact offering to pay 200 euros to anyone wishing to take a particularly sought-after diploma during the summer: the Certificate of Aptitude for the Functions of Facilitator in Collective Reception for Minors. Behind this long name, an acronym well known to the general public: BAFA. In other words, this is the prerequisite to be able to be a leader in a leisure center or in a summer camp, often popular with parents for their children in July and August.

However, increasingly, the organizations that manage these structures are having difficulty recruiting. The BAFA is indeed a paid training course. You have to pay between 700 and 1000 euros, which can represent a real investment for certain budgets. Thus, the check for 200 euros, offered to all those who want to pass it without income conditions, helps to cover the bill. Aid from the region, department or even the city can also help with financing.

Accessible from the age of 16, the BAFA is often taken by young people because it then allows them, as a facilitator, to put a little money aside for their studies. The Caf also praises “an experience gives the opportunity to acquire varied skills (teamwork, organization, responsibility, creativity, etc.), which can be highlighted on one’s CV and in Parcoursup.”

However, the animation professions suffer from a lack of attractiveness due to the hourly volume in relation to the salary received: around fifty euros per day worked for a job which requires constant attention, particularly in summer camps. To attract, some municipalities do not hesitate to put their hands in their pockets. This is particularly the case of Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer which offers between 700 and 900 euros for a week of supervision.