The car of the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, collided on Friday May 3 with a cyclist who had run a red light. Transported to hospital, the cyclist is fine, but could suffer from head trauma.

Friday May 3, while driving his personal vehicle, Bruno Le Maire had a traffic accident involving a cyclist. Around 7:30 p.m., at an intersection in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, the Minister of the Economy hit a man on a bicycle.

According to information from BFMTV, the latter had just run a red light when he was hit by the minister who had indeed turned green. “He is in no way responsible,” said Bruno Le Maire’s entourage.

The cyclist was transported to Cochin hospital, in the 14th arrondissement of the capital, in relative emergency. Affected in the eyebrow, according to the 24-hour news channel, the man is doing well. A source from Le Figaro nevertheless indicates that he could suffer from possible head trauma.

Bruno Le Maire, like any citizen involved in a car accident, was questioned by the police dispatched to the scene. The police made him undergo alcohol and drug tests. Both tests came back negative. It is a “simple incident in the streets of Paris”, insisted those close to the Minister of the Economy.