For the past six months, there is in Bavaria, a border police. Until 2023, the state government wants to double the staff of the Bavarian border police and the equipment to massively modernize.

Update from the 20. January 2019:

Until 2023 to double the size of the state government, the staff of the Bavarian border police and the equipment to massively modernize. Six months after the establishment of the border police Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) wants to draw on Monday (11.00). Since July of 2018, there are some 500 border police in Bavaria, you have to deal – as well as before the establishment of the unit primary with the so-called veil search. An agreement between the Federal government and the state of provides that you may carry out controls at the German-Austrian border, but only with the permission or at the request of the Federal government. Regardless, the border police can’t act.

The introduction of the border police had caused a lot of discussions, because the CSU had, this is due, in particular, with positive effects in the fight against the illicit entry of refugees. Critics saw it as an excess of authority of the free state, since the Federal government is for securing the borders.

In the episode had been shown already that the Bavarian border guards are less engaged with the Take up of refugees, as with investigations against smugglers and car thieves. By the end of November, only nine of the migrants were apprehended at the border to Austria. By the end of August Herrmann had declared that the border police had provided until then, around 1750 Ad due to crimes and other offences. In addition, more than 500 search hits were found, including 35 of an arrest warrant and persons wanted by it.

This stock on the new border police after five months

Passau, Alois Mannichl was sitting in his long career, already on many desks in many Police directorates. He was head of the Kripo in lower Bavaria, the Passau police chief, police Director of the Bavarian police. Five months ago he got a new Desk and a new office building in Passau. With 62 years of Mannichl is still a challenge: He is head of the Bavarian border police, which is since July. Since then, it is also his task to explain what Bavaria’s border police are doing exactly.

“The term misnomer we hear again and again,” he says. For example, a few days ago it became known that the border police has picked up since the beginning of July, right on the border, only nine to deport illegal migrants and border controls, the competent Federal police (we reported). Overall, the number of Apprehensions is higher, stresses Mannichl. In the entire border area, so a 30-Kilometer strip along the border, it was in the first three months, 203 of the illegal movement of persons.

“focus on the veil manhunt”

is “The border police but much more than that,” stresses Mannichl. You fight not only against smugglers, but against any Form of cross-border crime. “Focus on the veil manhunt.” The largest part of the currently, about 500 border police officers was prior to July 2018 as a veil investigators. “The country policemen, the make for 20 years, excellent work and a first-class sense of have, which cars you control,” explains Mannichl. Their balance sheet as border police officers could be seen: From July to the end of September 1359 mug hit you, you covered 801 traffic offences, 643 drugs on crimes, 172 document-related offences and 140 violations of the arms act. “Nevertheless, it is a rating of your work is now often considered to be questionable because they are associated mainly with the controls of illegal Entries.” It annoys Mannichl, if his colleagues are referred to as “deputies of the Federal police”. Nevertheless, he says: “the introduction of The border police was an important step.”

prove him the daily reports, which he gets every Morning on his Desk. They range from drug-smuggling stolen luxury cars to a man who tried to hidden in to the pants, 30 000 euros across the border. “For the Bavarian police, it is a great tactical advantage that the border police was introduced,” says Mannichl. Because there are now uniform Standards in all departments. “We are technically high-quality equipped,” he says. The state had invested millions in high-powered cars, mobile operations centers, technical review of equipment and drones. This were the police in all of Use, not only in the veil of investigation.

More uniformed officers in use

Just as important, however, that in the border area, more uniformed officers are in use. The service of the border police authorities to assume, in consultation with the Federal police checkpoints on the side roads. “Depending on the assessment of the situation,” says Mannichl. This is also an important Signal to the citizens. “The sense of security in the border area has suffered due to the strong Migration in 2015 and 2016. It was important, not only with a civilian veil investigators to be present, but also with uniformed forces.“

the border police in these tasks by officers of the riot police. By 2023, the number of police officers is to be increased but to 1000. Also not going to change the focus of the work, says Alois Mannichl. The national police supported the Federal police continue to be in consultation in the case of the control away from the fixed control points on the A3, A93 and A8. “So we can cover more roads in a larger period of time.” It was also important to be well prepared, there should be a Refugee again in the coming years to rise dramatically. Mannichl emphasized: “in 2015, the police are pushed to their limit. In the future, we want to be better prepared.“

also read: “Completely absurd”: Herrmann defended Bavarian border police

And: Without concrete numbers of Refugees: Seehofer and Herrmann, border police
