The Bardella – Attal debate, a dress rehearsal for the 2027 presidential election? Here is how the French would vote if this duel reached the second round.

At 28 and 35 years old, Jordan Bardella and Gabriel Attal appear as the two natural heirs of their respective camps. One took over as president of the National Rally a few months ago, in line with his mentor, Marine Le Pen. The other was appointed Prime Minister in January by Emmanuel Macron. While they will meet this Thursday, May 23 for a debate as part of the European campaign, some already see them reconstituting the Macronist/RN duel in the next presidential election.

Which of the two would then have the advantage in the second round? So far, only one poll has tested this hypothesis, in April. Three years before the next presidential election, the results should of course be taken with a pinch of salt. Still, when asked about their choice in the event of a second round between Jordan Bardella and Gabriel Attal, a small majority of French people answered… Jordan Bardella.

51% of those polled by Ifop gave their preference to the president of the National Rally, while 49% cited the current Prime Minister. The match should therefore be close but slightly favorable to Marine Le Pen’s colt (survey of April 25 for Figaro Magazine and Sud Radio).

However, there is nothing to confirm that Attal and Bardella will be the candidates for their respective camps in 2027. Especially since according to the same survey, they would not be the most profitable option for their camp. On the Macronist side, Edouard Philippe remains a serious candidate: in a second round against the president of the RN, he is tied in voting intentions. Facing Marine Le Pen, he would fail at 49%. On the RN side, Marine Le Pen also retains great legitimacy: in the event of a duel against Attal, she would win with a better lead than Bardella, since 53% of respondents give her their preference.