A 16-year-old young man, known for his mental disorders, was arrested Monday by the police. He planned to commit a mass killing in a high school in Antibes.

A 16-year-old minor was arrested on Monday April 22, 2024, upon leaving the psychiatric hospital where he had been interned until now, CNews reveals this Wednesday. The teenager, who suffers from mental disorders, is suspected of having wanted to commit a mass killing in his high school located in the town of Antibes, in the Alpes-Maritimes.

According to the continuous news channel, a child psychiatrist, to whom the young man had confided his intentions at the end of February, was at the origin of the alert which led the police to intervene. In addition to the arrest of the teenager, who is also described as “very disturbed and very dangerous”, reports Nice-Matin, a search took place at his home. Swastikas were drawn on the walls of the house. Several bladed weapons as well as a bulletproof vest and various documents on which the individual had cast his macabre ambitions were discovered.

Although the suspect is said to have a mental imbalance, he was also described as Islamophobic, racist and anti-Semitic by psychiatric expertise. However, the person in police custody did not hide from investigators his fascination with mass killings could be considered responsible for his actions, according to the results of the expertise, and therefore criminally punishable.