Good news for many owners: the price of their property will be able to increase.

It’s the subject that has many homeowners biting their nails: the value of their home. Whether it is because a loan must be repaid or because savings have been invested, seeing one’s property(ies) lose value is a real anguish. However, currently, those forced to sell their house or apartment must resolve to lower their price, given the still high borrowing rates, around 4%. The decrease in transaction amounts has been continuous for two years and the outlook does not seem to be brightening.

However, a ray of sunshine could break through the grayness that hangs over the real estate market. Thousands of owners will in fact see their homes automatically increase in value within a few weeks, thanks to the entry into force of a new rule. Without doing anything, the increase could be around 10%, on average. Thus, an apartment currently listed for sale at 80,000 euros could be listed for up to 88,000 euros.

The reason for this increase is simple: an adjustment in the calculation of the Energy Performance Diagnostic. This document, more commonly called DPE, makes it possible to establish the level of thermal insulation and energy consumption of each home. Very often called into question due to its method of calculation, this tool has benefited from a modification which will benefit 140,000 homes.

These are certain accommodations, of 40m² maximum, classified G and F which, in reality, obtained this rating “by mistake” due to a calculation bias. This has been corrected and will therefore allow these houses and apartments to move to E. This change is not trivial. It is even essential for the owners concerned.

First, from a financial point of view. Having a DPE F or G lost between 15 and 20% of value, compared to a neutral DPE (letter D). By moving to E, the difference will only be 7% on average, according to the figures from Notaries of France on the impact of the DPE on the price. But that’s not all. This will also allow them to rent out their property until 2034, without having to carry out thermal insulation work.

To find out if your house or apartment is affected, simply enter your DPE number on this simulator, which will tell you if your home changes energy class. If this is the case, a certificate can be downloaded, from July 1, indicating that your accommodation is no longer a sieve. The DPE will not have to be done again by a professional.