The constitutional Council announced, on Thursday, 25 October, he censored nearly a quarter of the sections of the act for the balance of trade relations in the agricultural and food sector, the so called ” law of power “, after being seized by more than sixty senators.

The institution has discarded all the ” horsemen of legislation “, that is to say, the articles that he considered himself not to respond to the title of the original bill. Among these proposals, the labelling of the geographic origin of the wine and the honey, the definition of the concept of agriculture and / or group education to the preservation of biodiversity in agricultural education, for example, have been retoqués by the judges of the rue Montpensier. No major article of the law is not concerned with censorship.

” [If the council] rejected the criticism on the merits against several articles of the law, it has, for reasons of procedure “, that is to say, on the form, “censored 23 of its articles, which were to the number Grandbetting of 98, while the initial project of the government, there were 17,” said in a press release by the Constitutional Council.

Rebalance the trade relations of the sector

The authors of the submission felt that ” certain sections of the act contravened the principle of equality and that they infringed the freedom of enterprise “. On these points, the constitutional Council noted that ” the difference in treatment arising out [of] the provisions between the agri-food sectors and distribution, and other economic sectors in connection with the object of the act, it [excluded] the claim of a breach of bahis sitesi the principle of equality “.

Despite the passing of the act, the disagreements persist between farmers and distributors

from the states-general of food, the bill said “Egalim” intends to rebalance the commercial relationship between farmers, processors and distributors, and end a price war deadly for the whole sector.

The decision of the constitutional Council was highly anticipated by the agricultural world, who cares to see published-time prescriptions for the application of the text before the start of trade negotiations between the retail and the agri-food industry, which depends on their remuneration.

During the debate around the law, producers half-resigned, half-vexed