One-third of the kinderopvangorganisaties at the onderwijsstaking on the 30th and 31st of January, no additional care because of a lack of resources, it appears on Friday a poll by the Association of Childcare to more than eighty members.

in Accordance with the Terms and Onderwijsbond (AOb) and the lerarenstaking more than 3.300 schools are closed. A lot of locations of the parents, whether they are two days or more out-of-school care are able to provide.

Two-thirds of organisations say that demand can be met, but one-third to the parents and say that this is not going to make it, according to the industry trade Association, Babysitting / child services. “Not out of ill will, but above all, the staff were more friendly.”

According to the association, there are currently more than thirty thousand jobs in the child care sector. A kinderopvangorganisatie may be comprised of one or more day care centres, centres for out-of-school care and child minding agencies.

” A logistical disaster,’

Bing, which is in the best interests of the parents and the child is responsible, is called the onderwijsstaking in talks with the Dutch-a logistical disaster, but it is also said to have an understanding of the situation. “All parents have to gradually, however, done with all of that money.”

the Teachers of primary, secondary, and special education is going to stop, because, in his own words, ” one of the lerarentekort. Also, crossed it, and for less work, and better pay. The AOb will host the 30th and 31st of January, along with other unions, marches and gatherings at sites around the country.

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