A man, armed with a knife, was arrested in Yvelines as he was leaving a prayer room this Friday, October 13. From Arras, Emmanuel Macron referred to these facts as an “attempted attack” having been foiled.

Was there an attempted attack in Yvelines? A man was arrested in Limay this Friday, October 13, as he was leaving a prayer room. He was armed with a kitchen knife, according to a police source cited by BFMTV, and seemed to follow a group of high school students near the Condorcet high school. The police arrested him and placed him in police custody for “carrying a category D weapon”. Of French nationality, the man is 24 years old and is known for radicalization according to information from BFMTV and Le Parisien.

The arrest of this individual occurred only a few hours after the fatal knife attack in a high school in Arras, in Pas-de-Calais. Which left one dead and two seriously injured and appears to be a terrorist act. Nothing indicates that the two events and the two men arrested are linked, but Emmanuel Macron has established a parallel between them. Present in Arras to speak after the knife attack, the head of state indicated that “another attempted attack in another region” had been foiled. The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office (PNAT) nevertheless indicated to France Télévision that it had not heard of another “foiled attack” and had not taken up any case other than that of Arras, not even the arrest of the individual in Limay.