If the name of Sébastien Lecornu, Minister of the Armed Forces, comes up regularly in recent days, Politico mentions another minister, that of Ecology, to replace Élisabeth Borne: Christophe Béchu.

Behind the scenes of power, rumors abound as it is said that a reshuffle is imminent and inevitable to turn the page on the parliamentary psychodrama of the immigration law and relaunch Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term. A price is put on the head of Élisabeth Borne by her detractors and bets on the name of her successor are on! The cancellation of the Council of Ministers this Wednesday only accentuated the rumors.

In this context, everyone wants to be a kingmaker and the hypotheses come out one after the other. Latest? While Le Parisien rather put forward the name of the Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu, to replace Élisabeth Borne at Matignon, Politico pulled out of the hat a completely different name. That of Christophe Béchu, the Minister of Ecological Transition.

Reported at Horizons, the choice of the man said to be a “fine connoisseur of the mysteries of power” to succeed the Prime Minister would not be trivial. If the hypothesis would please the entourage of the principal concerned, such an appointment could in fact annoy Édouard Philippe of whom Christophe Béchu is above all one of the lieutenants, notes Politico. Without a doubt, such a decision would also create surprise, but for the moment, the hypothesis is hardly taken seriously in Macronist circles. Note that in recent hours, the rumor according to which Élisabeth Borne would be kept in post has also made a comeback. But everything can still change! The Sunday Journal, however, affirms that the executive should communicate on the thorny issue of the reshuffle “before this weekend”. The time for betting seems to be running out!