When from “Can I borrow your car?” more than a friendship, that can be, especially for the holder annoying.

Berlin – The buddy borrow the car, because a move is pending, old furniture must be disposed of or the own car is in the workshop? For many, no big deal. However, it can lead to problems and perhaps even to the end of long-standing friendships.

In the run-up to clarify who is responsible for the damage

experts agree that concrete agreements and even a Treaty of damage in advance. “The agreement should make it clear that the driver is using the vehicle at your own risk”, so Herbert Engel-Mohr, a spokesman for the automobile club of Germany (AvD). He advises also to make concrete agreements about who pays in case of damage the cost of repair. This is especially useful if the friend causes an accident and only a part of comprehensive insurance, the damage the Alien, but not the damage to your own vehicle. But even with a fully comprehensive insurance you would have to agree, who pays the deductible.

you Inform your insurance company of the lending business

Is the friend of the accident, fault is usually also the insurance rate more expensive. According to Mathias Zunk by the General Association of the German insurance industry (GDV) should also be this scenario in the contract: “It should be regulated, as in the case of an accident with a promotion of the damage freedom discount will be dealt with.” Besides, the expert says: “anyone Who gives his car a private, should inform their motor Vehicle insurer about it and discuss whether the existing contract permits.” Because often the users, a building block of the Collective level was restricted, contractually. There are contracts, according to which, for example, only one Person is allowed to drive, only persons aged 21 years or only for family members.

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liability insurance pays always and in spite of the infringement, but it can still be expensive . “According to contract law, the insurer may demand, even retroactively for the current period of Insurance the increased Tariff as well as in the future. Thus, it is required to reset and re-calculated,” says Christian Weis, Huber, spokesman for the Allianz insurance. In the case of serious and wilful misconduct of a whole year the premium is even as a penal payment.

It could, however, give a certain amount of goodwill: “We look at the individual case. The driver swap is done, for example, because the original driver alcohol-related was no longer able to drive, usually happens nothing.” In the case of a certain regularity will, however, adapted to the contribution. Jana Hanisch from the German bar Association (DAV) completed in respect of the prior agreements between the owner of the vehicle and the friend who lends the car: “The content of a contract should clarify the question of how long the friend, the vehicle may benefit and who will bear the running costs.”

Before Passing it to the functions to explain

The lawyer advises, the driver’s license of a friend in the Original show. Makes sense to come to an agreement, how many miles whether the car abroad and the friend may give the car to other drivers. He then gets the registration papers in part I and to show him where the warning triangle and first aid kit put. The borrower should make the journey with the functions and characteristics of the cars familiar. Diesel or gasoline? How to work light and wiper?

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For the fines is not the holder, with one exception

So it comes to a dispute, doesn’t have to happen by accident. Violations of the road traffic regulations may also trigger the need for discussion. So, what happens when the dude moves to fast, the prescribed safety distance, disregard for, or even a red light passes over and is flashed? “ First of all, the holder will be written to , ” says Hanisch. “Usually, the authority also carries out a comparison of the photo of the driver with the stored data of the holder.” It is found that both cannot be the same, could only be more determined. “In the normal case, the proceedings against the holder is set,” said the lawyer.

“in Principle, fines can only be imposed to the person, who is driving the vehicle itself,” confirms Herbert angel Mohr from the AvD. He points at the same time, with one exception: the stationary traffic. The friend gets a Parking ticket for illegal Parking , it is written to, the holder must pay, even if he can’t help it. “The fines the authority may impose on the holder a fee of 25 euros, when the actual driver cannot be determined,” said angel Mohr. Then one has, as the holder, only the opportunity to get the money privately by the hirer.

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