, The district Committee has set: the new building of The district administrative office shall be done at its present location. The realisation of the winning design by the Stuttgart architects should be Gessert and Randeck. Open is, what is the cost to the future jobs of about 450 people.

Dachau – 23 architectural firms had applied to be the new dachauer district office building. In the framework of the implementation of competition, there were prominent prize judges – among others, district administrator Stefan Löwl and mayor Florian Hartmann – as well as the expert judges – including the former Dachau city architect, Michael Simon, and the Munich-based urban planner Professor Ulrich wood logs.

all of them were Gessert the design by the Stuttgart architects h4a and the edge of the plug as by far the best. A second place was not awarded in the first place and the two third places in Munich and Dresden’s architecture office.

As reported, the winning design becomes the ‘ 70s, and now the seams place the end of the building at the mayor-Zauner-Ring, demolished and replaced. The new building will consist of two curved buildings with double-storey underground car Park for 330 Parking spaces, and four or five floors, with a total maximum height of 18,50 meters. For comparison: The current district office has a height of 16.30 meters, so only 2.20 meters less.

The construction phase, Löwl on Friday in the district Committee, for the administration, although “a challenge”, but in the end the results count. “We wanted something Modern, future-oriented”, he summarised. And this could be achieved, given the current chronic shortage of space – best with this design on the site, Zauner – Ring.

The members of the County Committee saw this – apart from the Free voters Sebastian Leiß, Michael Reindl, and Franz Tümbet Eichinger – in the same way. “A district office belongs to Dachau,” said the Karl fields County Council of Wolfgang open Beck (CSU). Of course, it was a simple, “nice, great, and to place wide on the green Meadow” a new building. But the County had the obligation, on the subject of densification with a good example.

district Löwl was the accusation did not like, alternative locations, such as Breitenau in mountain churches have not sufficiently examined. He himself, he admitted, would have liked a different location, the relocation to a new building in another location is a lot easier than Replacing the old building on the same site. Alone: There was no better location. Either the land would not be available – such as in Webling – or the traffic infrastructure was not at least have been feasible in the foreseeable future – such as the Mayer-terraces on the MD-site, where, in consultation with the railway is still an underpass to be built.

The fact that the new building of the mayor-Zauner-Ring could be too tight, saw Löwl anyway. Health and veterinary office, admissions office, and the circuit construction yard would remain outsourced. The currently planned office space for 450 staff is, therefore, in the future, sure enough.

: to decide now for a location that would take, according to Löwl “Minimum of four years” – a loss of time, he would save the staff of the district administrative office. Green-Kreisrätin Marese Hoffmann spoke in a “damned duty to the employees”, to which also belong “to help these people in their work”.

The circle Committee recommended that the on Friday by the district Council (see column to the left)therefore, to lose no more time. Specifically, this means that The management should end with the town of Dachau, a so-called urban contract for the required zoning procedure and to instruct the competition winner with further plans for the existing site.

The costs-the question is, however, still excluded. Concrete costs, so Löwl, could appreciate today, no one serious. The only thing is that there will be no state subsidies for the building.

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