More than 18 million cases of the coronavirus have been officially reported worldwide, of which more than half in the United States and in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The epidemic of coronavirus is continuing to advance in the world : a million additional cases have been detected in less than four days, to reach 18 million, while the Prime minister of kosovo Avdullah Hoti has been tested positive. Tour of the horizon.

May not be a “panacea” according to WHO

The world health Organization (WHO) warned Monday that there could never be a “panacea” against the pandemic Covid-19, despite the race to vaccines ongoing.

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“there is no panacea, and there will perhaps never be,” said the director-general of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, during a press conference in line.

More than 689 000 deaths

The pandemic has killed at least 689.758 dead in the world since the end of December, according to a report drawn up by the AFP, Monday, at 11 o’clock. More than 18 million cases have been officially recorded, of which at least 10.5 million have been cured.

The United States, the country with the most mournful (154 860 deaths). Then come Brazil (94 of 104 deaths), Mexico (47 746), the Uk (46 201) and India (38 135). But in proportion to the population, excluding micro-States, it is in Belgium that the mortality is the highest (849 deaths per million inhabitants), followed by the United Kingdom (681), Spain (608), Italy (581), Peru (595), Sweden (569) and Chile (503).

A “new phase” for the United States

The United States has entered a “new phase” of the outbreak of coronavirus, which is now very widespread on the territory of the united states, said Sunday the special adviser to the White House Deborah Birx.

“What we see today is different from march and April”, she said on CNN, noting that the measures taken locally to try to stop the contagion began to have an effect. The virus is “extraordinarily common. It is present in both rural and urban areas”, she said, warning “all those who live in rural areas (that) you are not immune or protected from this virus”.

curfew, and authorities closed off to Melbourne

Australia, announced on Sunday a curfew in Melbourne to combat the resurgence of cases of Covid-19 in the second city of the country, whose inhabitants will no longer have the right to go out to more than five kilometres from their home. In spite of a containment established at the beginning of July, Melbourne continued to record hundreds of new cases on a daily basis. The curfew will be in place in 20 hours to 5 hours in the morning for the next six weeks.

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All the shops non-essential will have to close their doors from Thursday to stem the progression of the epidemic, announced this Monday the local authorities. Daniel Andrews, Premier of the State of Victoria, of which Melbourne is the capital, said that most businesses should close from Wednesday night, midnight. Supermarkets, pharmacies and liquor stores are part of the trade that will benefit from an exemption. The authorities will also have to close. The authorities consider that these measures will prevent a million people from going to work.

the Philippines-a quarter of the population reconfiné

More than 27 million people will also be reconfinées in the Philippines from Tuesday, after the cry of alarm of the associations of physicians have warned that the country was losing the battle against the Covid-19. On Sunday evening, the president Rodrigo Duterte announced a reconfinement in the capital, Manila, as well as in four surrounding provinces, on the main island of Luzon.

During the next two weeks, the public transport, including buses, will be stopped and local flights will be interrupted. The authorities have asked the population to stay home, and not out to buy products of first need, or exercise. Only a limited number of companies will be able to open and restaurants will only be able to make deliveries.

The Prime minister of Kosovo positive

kosovar Prime minister Avdullah Hoti announced on Sunday evening that he had tested positive for the novel coronavirus and that he would put himself in self-quarantine for the next two weeks.

“I do not have any symptoms, apart from a very slight cough”, he underlined, indicating that it had initiated a quarantine of two weeks, during which he would continue to assume his duties from his home.

French Polynesia : a case of Covid detected on a cruise ship

A transient has been detected positive for the coronavirus on the Paul Gauguin, a cruise ship of the compagnie Ponant cruising French Polynesia : the ship returned to Papeete with its 148 passengers and its 192-member crew, said Sunday the high commissioner of the Republic in Polynésie French.

The French Polynesia has so far been little affected by the epidemic. There are 62 cases and no reports of any deaths. And most importantly, no new cases had been detected for several weeks. But the 15 July, this overseas collectivity has re-opened its flights from Europe and the United States, to allow the tourism to restart. Since this date, passengers who disembark in French Polynesia are no longer subject to quarantine. On the other hand, they must present a negative result of test Covid before shipping to Polynesia, and then to achieve a self-sample, analyzed by the Institute Louis Malardé, four days after their arrival. It is one of those self-samples, which proved positive.

Amitabh Bachchan, legend of Bollywood, left the hospital

The living legend of indian cinema, Amitabh Bachchan, announced on Sunday that he had left the hospital where he had been admitted three weeks ago, after having been infected by the new coronavirus. “I’m back at home. I am going to stay in quarantine, alone in my room”, wrote on Instagram of the superstar of Bollywood, aged 77, saying he had been tested negative.

new measures in South America

In Argentina, the ministry of Health announced in the evening on Sunday that 200 000 cases of contamination had been exceeded and that the social gatherings would be prohibited in all the country from this Monday.

Bolivia has decided on Sunday that the school year was scheduled to be completed in December, was to end immediately due to the pandemic. This country of 11 million people, has more than 78 700 to contamination and more than 3000 dead.

Latin America and The Caribbean, with over 201 000 deaths, are now the second-most affected region after Europe, which has more than 210 000 deaths.

Record of new cases in Iran

The iranian authorities announced Sunday 2685 new cases in 24 hours, a record for nearly a month in Iran. This country is facing since the end of June to a net increase in the daily mortality, reported 208 deaths in 24 hours, bringing the balance sheet total to 17 190 deaths.

According to the spokesman of the ministry of Health, Sima Sadat Lari, the situation is worrying in 25 of the 31 provinces of the country, including Qom, first outbreak of the disease in February, which “has seen a very significant increase in the incidence of infection and hospitalization”.

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To Mecca, the end of the pilgrimage under control

a Few thousands of muslims have concluded Sunday, the great pilgrimage to Mecca this year by strict measures of safety and hygiene. Only a dozen of thousands of the faithful, residing in saudi Arabia were able to perform the hajj this year compared with about 2.5 million participants from all over the world in 2019.