Some store-bought or supermarket-bought items should always be washed first before use, experts say. It’s the best way to avoid catching germs from people who have touched them before, certain bacteria or even bringing back some nasty critters…

Here is a little reminder not to be taken lightly… The one concerning everyday objects that must be cleaned before a first purchase. Some are obvious: no one would think of drinking coffee from a new, unwashed cup or eating from a plate just bought from the supermarket, or even tasting yogurt with a spoon of dubious origin. .

But other objects, just as used and in contact with our body, are regularly forgotten, remind experts interviewed by the Daily Express. You might not know this, but experts have explained that touching or regular contact with objects can lead to germs on the material, which can spread around the home if not washed first. the first use.

First item to always clean before first use: items in the bedding department. Sheets, fitted sheets, duvet covers or pillowcases must be cleaned, even if they have been purchased already wrapped, for example in a plastic cover.

Otherwise, you risk sleeping near germs spread on the mattress during manufacture or transport, or even in the store by customers who have touched the fabric to test its rendering. The risk of allergy is then real. Another risk is that of spreading micro-organisms such as very allergenic dust mites or, worse, bedbugs! Repugnant…

Same risk and same effects for bath or table towels. New towels can contain a lot of bacteria, from their manufacture or during transport. Also remember that many people have tested before you how silky and soft this bath towel is.

More surprisingly, the books! Yes, they are just as manipulated, turned, opened, placed again on a shelf near other books and gather dust galore. Of course, there is no question here of cleaning them with plenty of water, otherwise your book will be unusable. An antiseptic wipe will do the trick or a small wipe lightly soaked in 70 degree alcohol to pass over the cover.

Don’t forget the new shoes either. We are talking about an everyday object that is not often washed after purchase, especially inside. However, they are real nests of bacteria according to experts who estimate the maximum spread at 10 billion bacteria. Socks will not always be enough and therefore it is recommended to clean them and spray disinfectant on the inside before first use.

Plaids and blankets have often accumulated dust in stores, so it is important to wash them before using them to avoid spreading it in your home, especially in case of allergy. Cups and glasses: cups and glasses often have been exposed to dirt and dust, so it is recommended that they be cleaned with warm soapy water before use.

Mugs and glasses: Mugs and glasses have often been exposed to dirt and dust, so it is recommended that you clean them with warm soapy water before using them.

Follow these simple tips to avoid getting sick from the items you’ve purchased! The best way to clean some of these items is with warm soapy water or antiseptic wipes, and in some cases with white vinegar. The goal remains to avoid contracting germs that can cause illnesses or allergies. You have been warned!