a shocking incident, A woman suffered in your car to have a stroke. You asked for help – but the reaction of the other driver, shocked the Betpapel police.

Dülmen – This case shocked the police in the district of Coesfeld: On Tuesday (11. December), a woman was driving against 14.30 clock in your car by a peasantry in Westphalia. At the intersection of the 66-Year-old would have to slow down before a traffic light, because it was suddenly very bad.

The police suspected that the woman suffered a stroke . The 66-Year-old rolled down the Window of your car down. With a Wave, she tried to draw attention to themselves – more to move you in your condition.

woman in Dülmen, near Münster, suffers stroke: car drivers do not stop

no one thought to . As reported by the police, several motorists in the 66-Year-old over to help strong> without the ailing woman . The police reported in the social media of the incident and was shocked. As the story for the woman out and about in Dülmen, read with the colleagues on msl24.de*.

*msl24.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.