The Posse to Robert Lewandowski in the next round. Dietmar Hamann remains in his criticism of the striker – now FCB sporting Director Hasan Salihamidzic countered.

Update from the 9. February, 21 at: attack of Brazzo! After the victory against Schalke, it popped in the Sky-Interview between Reporter Patrick Wasserziehr and FCB sporting Director Hasan Salihamidzic. Not willing to change and Hamann striker Robert Lewandowski criticized to be a Problem for Bayern, but “Didi Hamann is a Problem for Sky,” snapped the angry Salihamidzic into the microphone. He threw Hamann a campaign against Lewandowski. To the objection of Wasserziehr that Hamann certainly can say as an expert is only his opinion and not a campaign race, not a let, the Bayern man. Salihamidzic pointed to a Sky expert Lothar Matthäus. This, after all, the “idea of football”. In contrast, the opinion of Hamann could accept “there’s nobody out there”.

After the Interview in the catacombs of the Allianz Arena Lothar Matthäus took in an interview with reporters, Sebastian Hellmann and his expert colleagues. However, the world champion of 1990-known as a Fan of Lewandowski. He’s not standing in the matter, “one hundred percent behind Didi”. That’s why he understand that “Hasan” be mad.

Hamann insists on Lewandowski-criticism and warns against blatant Problem

Update from the 9. February 2019, 10 a.m.: Dietmar Hamann is not departing from his criticism of Robert Lewandowski. “I stick to my view that he was the same player in the last twelve, eighteen months previously,” he told the German press Agency. Earlier, Hamann had referred to the poles as “the best Nine in the world” – but now see the Sky expert is the not more so.

FC Bayern Hamann sees it, however, is not to be underestimated striker-Problem. “Lewandowski is now 30. As long as he makes his goals, I don’t know.“ So it could be quite a serious Problem for Bayern to get a world class striker. “At the Moment there is a glaring lack of Topstürmern in Europe or in the world.”

Lewandwoski went over to Hamann: “Dumb”

Update from the 7. February, 8.55 PM: After the 3:2 victory in the Cup round has not commented Robert Lewandowski only for the nerve-wracking match against Berlin’s Hertha. Also, the criticism of his Person was the subject.

“We won and I don’t care what others say. Especially when it is absolutely stupid“, grumbled the Pole to ESPN. With his clear words of the FCB star striker is likely to are clearly aimed at Sky-expert Didi Hamann. The accused Lewandowski least, to be a loner and to affect the team chemistry when a record master negative (message from the 4. February).

That he “have no value” for his team, as Hamann suggested, believes the Pole. “I don’t think Hamann is a lot of tactics,” replies Lewandowski.

also read: , Sky-presenter is the worst possible slip of the tongue to the FC Bayern

Weidenfeller to Lewy Posse: “Robert is a team player, but if we are honest …“

Update from the 5. February, 9.30 a.m.: The discussion on Robert Lewandowski. After criticism from Dieter Hamann on the striker and the lock of his Advisor Maik Barthel also be Ex-expressed – teammate Roman Weidenfeller – from 2010 to 2014, with Lewandowski in BVB to the topic. “On the court, Robert has been with BVB was always a team player, has everything for the success. But striker are often as goalkeeper real egoists. You always want to play, always want to win. Off the court, we have not had much contact with him,“ says Weidenfeller to the Bild newspaper.

Robert is driven by ambition, will permanently encouraged by his advisors. He wanted to always be the Best. “But if we are honest, he can’t draw, in spite of its extraordinary quality of players like Ronaldo or Messi over,” says Weidenfeller.

consultant of Star striker Robert Lewandowski shoots back

Update 4. February, 18.05 PM: After harsh criticism from Dietmar Hamann and Robert Lewandowski has reported his Advisor Maik Barthel and against the Ex-national player shot back: “After the defeat against Leverkusen, it is not helpful to attack players at this level like it has done, Mr. Hamann. He sees the cause mainly in the case of Robert, speaks to me for his tactical understanding. Maybe he has not seen the game at all,“ says Barthel with a sarcastic undertone to the Bild newspaper. The suggestion that Hamann’s attack was not the level of the Barthel, and the presumption, Hamann didn’t see the game at all, clear the poison arrows in the direction of the Ex-Kickers.

Hamann had put in Sky90 Lewandowski in question and advised the FC Bayern even a sale. This harsh criticism would be immediately countered, are likely to have been Hamann. The Ex-FCBler manifests itself again and again with controversial and critical statements to the German record champion and takes never a sheet in front of the mouth.

Listless, and in a Team unpopular? Hamann is hard advice: This “Problem”Kicker to give Bayern

Munich – Ex-midfielder Dietmar Hamann (45) top scorer Robert Lewandowski after Bayern rout in Leverkusen, Germany. “I believe that Lewandowski is becoming a Problem for Bayern Munich. His theatrics, his, its hilt to the part listless behavior on the court. I think it is obvious that he is a loner,” said the long-standing Bavaria-professional Sky90.

On Saturday at 1:3 in Leverkusen (here in the Live Ticker available) was assumed to be the Polish national team striker will be empty. Hamann extended his criticism of the 30-year-old Lewandowski: “As a striker at Bayern Munich, you have got to have a value for the team, if you score no goals. That is not a given for me at the Moment. I don’t think he has in the team too many friends, or partly disputed.”

FC Bayern Munich, Hamann Verbal clip around the ears for Robert Lewandowski – Needs a new striker?

Hamann advises the German flagship club, Lewandowski at the end of the season. FC Bayern should consider in the summer, “seriously, to get a first and a second striker. That would of course mean that you give him. The Problem will be what would pay the interested clubs?”

Three fives, a lot of foursome: Bayern loses in Leverkusen