Everywhere sailing without a private or chartered boat? The provider Sailsquare offers the possibility of a planned sailing trip to do it, and as crew member to check in.

Munich (dpa/tmn) – Who is sailing on vacation and no boat has, knows the Problem: You could Charter a yacht in the target area and then try to find enough well-Known, the join, so that the adventure remains affordable.

The tables can also turn – around with a sailing exchange as Sailsquare. There you can search for skippers or boat owners who are looking for an already planned trip, in turn, even to sailors.

search functions only basic functions, such as destination, travel time, and maximum number of sailors are not ready to accept the results, even after the price or the orientation of the trips the filter of adventure, relaxation, and family to learn to sail, or Party.

Whoever clicks in the individual offers, you can then read the most comprehensive description of the planned trips – usually with the exact Route, daily goals, and possible points for the programme. Also, Skipper-reviews – if available – can be found there, as well as the Information on how many sailors are still missing, so that the trip takes place safely. For the Demands of the Skipper can be contacted via the platform (Sailsquare Messaging). And also the payment is possible only through Sailsquare.

anyone Who clicks the per Person price indicated in the Offers “included In price”, receives all the relevant information. It has to be called safe and may place additional costs, thus, you can estimate its total budget better. For the Sailsquare services pay nothing if the passengers directly. The platform calculates skippers 15 percent of the price as Commission.

Many of the technical, practical and legal detail answered, which is currently only available in English, French and Italian are questions in the Help Center. This is where the Information is, for example, that all of the Skipper of Sailsquare be tested and interviewed before they are permitted to offer trips. Support, otherwise, by telephone, or via E-Mail and Chat.


Sailsquare Help Center (English)