The Schongauer panel has been visited in the past year, an average of 81 people per week. There are people who can’t afford many things in life. However, the Trend indicates a slight decline in the table customers.

Schongau – “The panel is a very important institution,” says the man, with three of his four small children to walk on the path in the Dominikus-Zimmermann-Straße in Schongau – to Pick up food. But on this Thursday he stands in front of closed doors.

“On 27. December and 3. January no output“, – stated in the information sheet in the window. Because the disappointment is great, especially with the children. This time, they go blank. No vegetables and no fruit, you had to jump. Now it’s time to Wait until the next appointment.

“I come here every week,” says the unemployed with three children. With the little money he has to come over the rounds. Life of Hand-to-mouth. “A difficult time”, complains the father of a family and shows his authorization card – a card that granted him access to the panel. There, people meet from different countries, not just to eat sahabet to pick up, but also to entertain.

170 permits for a visit of the panel have been issued in the past year in Schongau. “In the previous year, there were 220 cards,” says Agnes Assmann, on the staff of the counselling centre for people without an apartment and without a job. The decline is apparently due to the lower number in the case of the refugees. “Only the recognized asylum-seekers receive at the table of food and Goods,” explains Agnes Assmann.

As a joint initiative of Duke, saw-mill, and of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Schongau the Board in the year 2005 in Schongau has been founded. Since then, she supplied the needy with food and has become an important point of contact.

panel time – which is always on Thursdays at 13.30 PM (for the first group) and 15 PM (for second group). The needy have to take a number, and in this order you will be served then. As a contribution to the expenses icon will be charged a Euro. Some people can’t afford the Euro.

The average 81 table visitors, who look a week over and order food, ask, provide, members, estimated to be about 600 persons. 25 percent of them are children.

Currently, the Schongauer panel can fall back on around 45 employees, who contribute on a voluntary basis. The benefit of the panel, and thus, their customers, the supermarkets food give out a little earlier and not just when the expiration date is imminent.

With the new year, but in the case of the Schongauer panel, a change in leadership. Christian Meier, after six years, the management and takes in the district of Ostallgäu in a new task. Jones will be succeeded by Birgit Gutzeit, who will be starting in January 2019 for the Board in Schongau responsible.

The Schongauer panel is located in the Dominikus-Zimmermann-Straße 1 in Schongauer’s old town. She can be reached at the phone number 08861/20444. Anyone who wants to register as a client or as a volunteer at the blackboard engage, feel free to contact. 7. January will be spent in the Board a new authorization cards.

A decline in the panel’s visit is also in the Eastern district of Weilheim-Schongau. With around 200 customers, for example, in Penzberg are currently significantly less than a year ago.


donations for the plaque be accepted by the Duke, saw-mill and on-demand. Donations account: Bank für sozialwirtschaft IBAN DE42 7002 0500 0004 8192 00, BIC BFSWDE33MUE.

Michael Gretschmann