132 fire brigade forces from the district of Freising are currently on the way to Traunstein. There yesterday due to the heavy snowfalls of the disaster alarm is triggered. For the forces of Freising, it is valid until tonight, roofs abzuschaufeln.

district Against 23.34 PM, requested by the government of upper Bavaria yesterday evening, the so-called aid quota of the district Freising. Specifically, this means: Within a few hours, 132 forces and 20 vehicles had to be organized. To 0.30 at the inspection met the guard 2-in Freising, in order to inform the fire brigades. To 7 p.m. the charge had then time to inform your colleagues. Because at 7 am from Freising in a column to Traunstein.

+ ©FFW Hallbergmoos

“We go to the vet center,” said circle brandrat Manfred Danner this Morning on FT demand. Then you’ll know exactly where it will be used. So much fixed, but The forces from Freising to be abschaufeln roofs. Reason: In the coming days is expected to rain, making the snow an enormous load. Therefore, the roofs need to be freed before the snow.

If it remains in use today, is still open. “Until noon we will know whether tomorrow a quota is needed,” said Danner.