The aircraft door opens. We are high up. It’s raining. We are ready to Jump. The hook for the ripcord and our parachute hook rope in a wire. Waiting for the Bounce release. Thunder! – No, İlbet they are projectiles, one anti-aircraft gun.

you explode close to the plane’s fuselage. The prop machine makes undaunted, continue their way through the grey cloudy rain front. Flames from the wing. Another hit rocked the plane. We jump off.

Under us hell rages on. Tracer bullets missed our plane spanned parachute. Still in the air, we see the proportions of the vast battlefield, troops, tanks. Then – under heavy enemy fire – we land roughly in a Meadow. Now we are in the middle of it, see the broken steel bridge. Unreal protruding steel beam twisted in all directions. The bridge has been blown up. We look through the scope of rifle 43, to detect where the enemy is. And go for a run. – Let’s play “Battlefield V”. And want to know: How is actually to the youth protection in computer games in Germany?

The Computer and console game “Battlefield V” is a first-person Shooter since the age of 20. November, so only a few days ago officially available, set of 2. World war. The graphics and sound of the game are very realistic and make for a very dense atmosphere.

The news-Portal* now in detail with Uwe Engelhard of the entertainment software self-regulation body (USK) on “Battlefield V”, and also about