Laetitia Milot, known for her role in Plus belle la vie and a slew of television series, has decided to radically change path. Rest assured, you will see it again and again on your screens…

The career of Laetitia Milot, famous for her role as Mélanie Rinato in Plus belle la vie, will take a serious turn in a few days. The actress trades theater scripts and TV series cameras for the world… of pastry! In Télé 7 Jours this week, she announced her return to the screen as host of Meilleur Pâtissier on M6. This announcement, which comes while the actress is still on tour with the play “A Farewell Dinner”, created a surprise in the world of television.

After having conquered the public as a model, actress and author, Laetitia Milot therefore adds a new string to her bow with this role of television host which is completely new for her. She takes up the torch from Marie Portolano, who also left to experience new adventures at France Télévisions (she succeeded Julie Vignali at the presentation of Télématin at the start of the school year). Laetitia Milot joins a program well anchored in the French audiovisual landscape. A limited risk-taking, therefore, the 43-year-old actress not being at the launch of a brand new program but of a show which has more than 10 years on the clock. But the challenge is double-edged. The Best Pastry Chef remains one of the chain’s locomotives in terms of audiences and a showcase in which the slightest misstep will be paid for in cash.

Last year, M6 praised on Twitter a 12th season which had attracted 2.3 million viewers, including replay. But some episodes had fallen sharply, to 1.8 million viewers, or 8.8% of the public. It’s a safe bet that with Laetitia Milot, the channel is targeting at least 2 million viewers at cruising speed during primetime, or 11 to 12% market share. In 2020, Le Meilleur Pâtissier still attracted 3 million viewers, or nearly 15% of the public.

M6’s decision to choose Laetitia Milot for this “role” was in any case not taken lightly. After the departure of Marie Portolano, the channel was looking for a new strong figure to embody the program. Laetitia Milot’s “warm and spontaneous” personality, as perceived by the producers, seemed to align perfectly with the spirit of the show, which celebrates creativity and conviviality through baking.

Laetitia Milot, although she has never hosted a show strictly speaking, is not a novice when it comes to cooking, as she pointed out in Télé 7 Jours: “I am passionate about cooking in general, and If I don’t watch much television, ‘Le Meilleur Pâtissier’ is one of the programs, like ‘Top Chef’, that I follow with pleasure.” This passion seems to have been a determining factor in her decision to accept this mission, which she sees as “a new role” to interpret.

Laetitia Milot’s commitment is not limited to her presence on screen. The future host says she has carefully prepared this transition with the production team. “I don’t arrive with my hands in my pockets. There was a lot of work upstream with the production,” she assures. Answer in a few months: season 13 of Best Pastry Chef will be broadcast from September 2024 every Wednesday on M6.