Even the general public now knows the importance of an energy-efficient home. In the long term, a bouquet of well-thought-out and well-executed works brings a minimum saving of 55%. The fact remains that energy renovation work is not within everyone’s reach. In addition to the technical know-how, the necessary equipment or the administrative procedures are all obstacles to renovating your house. This is where Flamme Bleue Environnement and its solution come in.

Indeed, companies providing services likely to improve the energy efficiency of a house are legion: installation of windows or other frames, thermal insulation of walls or ceilings, replacement of heating appliances, etc. All of this work can, to a greater or lesser extent, reduce a heating bill.

But for the work to have a real impact, it is more relevant to consider housing as a whole. In other words, if it is useful to carry out operations here and there, it will be more efficient to carry out a large-scale project, with an energy audit and a range of works at stake.

This is when the project becomes complex. How to do it without multiplying addresses and administrative procedures? Simply applying for window replacement grants involves:

Also, how to avoid the multiplication of these steps when considering a series of works, and calmly approach a global renovation?

Good to know: if the French have understood the interest of energy renovation, they fear not having the necessary knowledge to undertake it. 66% believe that the operation would allow them to save money, but 66% also are unable to cite any financial assistance allowing them to undertake it1.

The Flamme Bleue Environnement solution addresses this problem. The brand has developed a turnkey formula. In other words, she will take stock of her client’s situation, and then take charge of all the procedures. This is precisely what sets it apart from the competition.

Above all, the company insists on the quality and diversity of its services. With 15 years of experience in thermal engineering, the company knows exactly how home insulation and heating work.

This is why it does not content itself with putting its client in contact with service providers, but also makes its theoretical knowledge available, via energy audits. Since its partners are numerous, the range of services it is able to offer is particularly wide. To quote in bulk:

Flamme Bleue Environnement even offers to go further with self-consumption. Its turnkey solution also covers the installation of photovoltaic panels.

It also provides in-house after-sales service and maintenance of its contracts. Its teams are RGE certified, which makes it compatible with all the aid currently offered by the Government for energy renovation.

Finally, Flamme Bleue Environnement highlights the development of local employment as well as guaranteed preservation of the environment. It participates in a program promoting the development of local actors’ skills. At the same time, its action is aimed at all households (including the most precarious) wishing to turn to more ecological housing.

Ultimately, the brand’s services are based on five pillars. In chronological order of a project:

Energy renovation: solid savings in sight, but not only

Energy savings remain the main interest of owners considering thermal renovation work. However, the Flamme Bleue Environnement formula has other advantages.

As this solution is a turnkey solution, the more work to be done, the more time it saves. In the case of a global renovation, the time saved is so important that we can truly speak of a profitable investment.

The term investment is not insignificant. Buyers are always more attentive to the energy performance diagnosis (DPE), a global renovation allows a much better valuation of the housing. This is why a package of works must be considered as a real investment in the future.

Good to know: ECD always performs better in the eyes of buyers. 80% of them are now interested in it before visiting a property2. A majority of French people also say they are ready to pay more to own a more energy efficient house.


Flamme Bleue Environnement seduces its customers with the simplicity of its services. All it takes is a phone call to 0 805 036 745 or filling out the form on the website to undertake all the useful work at home and get rid of all the necessary procedures. His blog will also help with lingering questions.

Three key takeaways from Flamme Bleue Environnement:

1 https://www.batiactu.com/etudes/20211021-112432-vdefopinionway-monexpert-francais-et-renovation-energetique-octobre-2021-vprez.pdf

2 https://edito.seloger.com/actualites/france/pres-de-9-acheteurs-10-veulent-un-logement-ecologique-economique-article-42702.html