BRAV-M. A petition on the site of the National Assembly calls for the dissolution of the Brav-M, a highly criticized special police unit. Can it succeed?

The counter increases visibly. A petition calling for the dissolution of the Brav-M (Brigade for the repression of motorized violent action), this particularly decried special police unit, was sent to the National Assembly and is now highlighted on the chamber’s website parliamentary since it brings together more than 100,000 signatures. Faced with the violence that punctuates the demonstrations against the pension reform in recent days, the Brav-M is singled out for its “disproportionate and arbitrary use of force and in contravention of the national plan for maintaining order”, according to the author of the text. The latter, however, never mentions the attacks which are also the subject of the police at the end of the processions. Can his petition, which continues to collect signatories, succeed and bring about the end of this brigade created by the prefect Didier Lallement during the yellow vests crisis?

If the petition asking for the dissolution of the Brav-M is, at this stage, put forward on the site of the Assembly, the road is still very long before its possible study by the deputies. The milestone of 100,000 signatures still makes it possible to reach a first stage: the petition can be examined by a committee, in this case the law committee. A rapporteur is appointed to study the text. This person will then have to decide: either close the petition “without follow-up” or examine it. In the second case, a report is thus produced on the basis of various elements obtained on the subject, in particular interviews with the protagonists of the subject. The study of the report can then be placed on the agenda of the National Assembly, thus giving rise to various speeches, including that of the government.

The process can be sped up a bit in another case. If the petition exceeds 500,000 signatures and the signatories are distributed in at least 30 different departments of mainland France and overseas, it can be placed directly on the agenda of the National Assembly.

However, in both cases, this does not result in any votes. The discussions are for informational purposes. To lead to a vote, it must be a bill (text tabled by a deputy) or a bill (text tabled by the government). It is then necessary to engage all the long legislative process, with the deposit of a PPL or a PJL, an examination in committee then a possible vote with the Assembly and the Senate. Politically, this seems impossible. It is especially the deputies of Nupes who militate for the dissolution of Brav-M. Macronie, LR and RN rather have speeches of support for the police. It is therefore difficult to imagine that such a petition could really succeed.