Strawberry season is on and that’s good, under its sweet and caloric appearance, the little red fruit loved by children is actually full of excellent components for your body. We take a look at all its benefits and qualities!

That’s it, they appear everywhere on market stalls and on supermarket shelves, strawberries have arrived and already give a little taste of summer: Cléry, Gariguettes, Marat, more tangy, big or sweet… varieties are countless and everyone has their favorites. Good news, they all have a great energy heritage. Something to combine pleasure and health in one bite…

Did you know ? If they are presented as sweet fruits and can scare those in search of their best figure before summer, strawberries are actually composed of 90% water and low in calories compared to other fruits with the best reputation. For example, 100 grams of strawberries include only 35 kcal. Among fruits, only lemon (with barely 10 calories) has less according to the Ciqual data table of the national health agency (see data).

Another advantage, the strawberry combines properties and health benefits. The strawberry is thus a solid source of vitamin C and therefore excellent antioxidants to help your immune defenses and protect your cells. With 100 grams of strawberries, you meet all your daily vitamin C needs! But that’s not all, this little miracle fruit of spring also helps fight against aging of the skin thanks to the antioxidants it contains, enough to strengthen your immune system in a few bites at the end of winter.

Last but not least, fiber and antioxidants also act against your bad cholesterol. Another good news… on the condition, however, of eating them as they are and avoiding adding sugar or whipped cream, which are much more caloric! You just have to bite it. And if your strawberries are already too ripe or a little too soft for your taste, don’t throw them away! Strawberries are excellent in smoothies, for example mixed with bananas.