
Former President Donald Trump faced criticism for being 56 minutes late to a rally at a golf course in Miami, Florida. Supporters waited in the hot weather for over four hours, with some expressing frustration at Trump’s tardiness. Videos shared on social media showed people wiping sweat from their brows as they waited for Trump to arrive.

Critics took to social media to slam Trump for his late arrival, with some questioning his lack of consideration for his supporters. Despite the delay, when Trump finally appeared, he wasted no time in mocking President Joe Biden and questioning his opponent’s mental fitness for office. Trump even challenged Biden to another debate, proposing a face-to-face showdown with no moderators.

The rally at the Florida golf course drew hundreds of Trump supporters, eager to hear him speak. However, Trump himself faced a moment of lapse during his speech when he froze for nearly 10 seconds in the middle of a sentence. Some observers speculated whether this was a sign of Trump’s mental acuity or just a pause for applause.

Overall, Trump’s late arrival and subsequent mocking of his political opponents at the rally have sparked debate and criticism among both supporters and critics. The incident highlights the ongoing political tensions and divisions in the country as the 2024 presidential race heats up.