The government presented, this Wednesday, June 7, 2023, its bill to reform the RSA. Activity, possible suspension of benefits, registration with France Travail… Here is what will change.

The figures are clear and challenging: seven years after first registering for the Active Solidarity Income (RSA), 42% of recipients still receive it. Only a third have found work, of which just over 10% on permanent contracts. In addition, 17% of beneficiaries are not monitored. Data published by the Court of Auditors which prompted the government to act to reform the system.

On Wednesday June 7, 2023, Olivier Dussopt, Minister of Labour, presented a bill aimed in particular at making changes to the management of the RSA. The State does not want to content itself with giving money but wants to go all the way to professional reintegration. “There is hypocrisy, even cynicism, in considering that the State would be released from its duty of solidarity once it has paid €607 to an adult who lives alone. We will be released from our duty of solidarity when we have allowed as many of them as possible to find a job, autonomy, dignity and purchasing power through work”, said the minister on the sidelines of the announcement in detail of the text. Here is what will change for recipients.

Since the creation of the RMI in 1988 (which became RSA in 2009), a reciprocal commitment contract has been signed between the structure and the beneficiary. This contract “lists the actions to be implemented as part of the beneficiary’s integration process.” According to the latest data, only one out of two recipients has signed a contract. With the reform, the government intends to speed up the system by having it signed after a few weeks and no longer after about five months as currently, according to Olivier Dussopt. This document will propose an integration path established on the basis of a diagnosis of the social and professional situation of the applicant.

The answer is clear: no. This is one of the points of the reform that made people wince at the RSA and many parliamentarians. Following an activity for a few hours will be necessary in the future to benefit from the allowance, confirmed Olivier Dussopt. However, it will not be about working for a company.

The Minister repeated it clearly: it will now be a question of following 15 to 20 hours of training, integration and support towards employment. Without it having been detailed yet, it could be similar to CV workshops, job search, digital training or other… And this, taking into account “the qualification, the age, the employment area, questions of mobility” of the beneficiary specified the Minister of Labour.

This is the other strong announcement of the RSA reform. In its bill, the government plans to integrate the possibility of a suspension of the allowance. Olivier Dussopt indicated that this could be pronounced “if there is a deliberate refusal to participate in the activities” determined in advance with the adviser.

No. As the Minister added, the suspension will not be irreversible. This is thus different from the cancellation, already provided for in the law, which obliges to repeat the entire registration procedure for any person who has been canceled and seeks to become a beneficiary of the RSA again.

With the announcement of the reform of Pôle emploi, which will become France travail by 2025, Olivier Dussopt indicated that all RSA recipients would now be directly attached to this new organization, compared to only 40% today. . Financially, this will not change anything for the registrants. On the other hand, the government wishes, by this means, “to guarantee a better professional follow-up” of the beneficiaries and better support them to enable them to find work.