Every summer, it’s the same story. Choosing a melon feels like playing the lottery. Everyone has their little trick, but only a few are giving results according to an expert.

Every year, it’s the same show at the supermarket or on the market stalls. Some spend long minutes feeling each melon, gauging its weight, its appearance or its famous sweet smell… A real spectacle that does not, however, prevent making mistakes and regularly falling on a hard, too firm melon. or just not sweet enough.

Are these little tricks that we pass on to the markets or from generation to generation wrong? Not that much… But only some are true and must be used with caution, as explained by Antoine Peugeot, a true specialist, since he is the quality manager at the Melon de Cavaillon syndicate. Just that.

You understood, there is not ONE miracle trick to find the right melon among a thousand, but these four signs are excellent clues to combine to find the perfect fruit. Good hunt !