GREAT ORAL. Candidates take the last test of the 2023 baccalaureate, the grand oral, between Monday June 19 and Friday June 30. What to expect for students and how to pass the oral exam? Our guide.

[Updated on June 19, 2023 at 9:11 a.m.] Last final test of the baccalaureate, the grand oral test begins this Monday, June 19 and runs until June 30, over the individual passages of the candidates. It is for the latter to present a 5-minute presentation on a subject previously drawn by lot and part of the panel of themes prepared during the year. Note that the coefficient of the grand oral test equals that of the general French exam, with a coefficient of 10 (out of 100), and surpasses the coefficient of philosophy (coeff. 8). The stakes are therefore high in terms of the baccalaureate average.

At this time, all candidates know the date and time of their summons to the grand oral test and can take advantage of these last revision times. If it seems too late to fully prepare a subject, it is always possible to refine your mastery of the subjects on the program, both with the courses and with personal knowledge. Candidates can also improve their oral skills: work on gestures, eliminate language tics and get closer to an exchange than a recitation. To pass the grand oral and perhaps get a mention, here are some tips from professionals to better control your stress and therefore this baccalaureate 2023 test.

On the Studyrama specialty site, our partner during the written baccalaureate and patent exams, Charlie Clark, expert in oral strategy and founder of the oral strategy consulting service Whistcom, gives advice on how to earn points in the grand oral exam. Some of the tips he delivers include:

In order to pass this exam as well as possible, the professor of public speaking at Sciences Po Cyril Delhay also gave the Parisian some welcome advice. If he invites the candidates to speak without notes for a more fluid and easier enunciation, he advises however to write in advance his first and his last sentence, those which should mark the most the jurors. Careful transitions between each major stitch is also a plus, as is leaving blanks. By imposing small periods of silence, the idea is to allow the jury to integrate the information provided, but it is also, for the candidate, to take the time to breathe, calm down and manage his stress. Finally, it is advisable to favor short sentences.

During the last edition of the baccalaureate, the Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye had shared advice from teachers before the test, in a tweet to encourage students: “We invite students to train, a lot: in front of their family , in front of friends, in front of comrades. You have to film yourself several times too, spot language tics, parasitic gestures…” underlined Pierre Labarbe, professor of physics-chemistry and Grand Oral Trainer. “Let your relatives or friends ask you questions. It will force you to see which points need to be clarified, which ones you are strong on, and which ones you feel weaker on and which you will therefore have to prepare to be comfortable during the interview.” continued Solenn Ferrec, professor of history and geography, also Grand Oral Trainer.

“Time 2 of the Grand Oral is also a time that is also being prepared”, had also pointed out Pierre Labarbe, “for example by listing questions likely to be asked by the jury.” The video then answers the question “What should you think about the day before the event?”. “The day before, remember to prepare your summons, your identity document, a bottle of water for the preparation time and, of course, the list of your two problematic questions,” summarized Solenn Ferrec. “Thinking about your outfit, it can’t be improvised.” added Pierre Labarbe. “Have a dress code that allows you to be comfortable, but respectful at the same time”.

“What are the good reflexes to have on D-Day” is another question that candidates can ask themselves before the baccalaureate oral test. “A successful oral is an oral that is both well prepared from the point of view of content and well highlighted, with oral skills.” Summarized Grand Oral Trainer Pierre Labarbe in the Minister’s tweet video education. “The oral begins as soon as you enter the room.” noted the specialist in the event in question Solenn Ferrec. “Remember to say hello to your jury, then watch them throughout your Grand Oral. Your hands are not crossed or behind your back, but they support your speech.”

Another good reflex to think about on D-Day of the big oral exam: “It’s also possible to ask the jury to rephrase the question it asked.” suggests Pierre Labarbe. “A last advice?”, we see displayed on the video of the ministry. “Also remember to have some breathing exercises in you, for example cardiac coherence, which you can do during the preparation time to be able to lower your heart rate and better manage your stress in front of the jury.” suggests Solenn Ferrec. “When you enter the room, the dice are thrown.”, launches Pierre Labarbe, on the screen. Regardless of your level of preparation, you have to believe in yourself, be convinced, motivated. You have a jury before you. A Grand oral to give is a bit like a performance, a show. Put yourself in the shoes of a rock star! You have to be convincing, motivated, committed to the end.”

Flagship test of the new version of the baccalaureate, the grand oral is an exercise during which each candidate answers a question by a presentation lasting about five minutes. Then follow ten minutes of exchanges between the high school student and the jury. The stated objective of National Education is to “train to speak in public in a clear and convincing way.

This test also allows you to use your knowledge (those related to your specialties) to create an argument and show how it is essential for your plan to continue your studies and even your professional project.”During the year , two questions are defined on the two specialist courses followed by the student. On the day of the test, the jury chooses one of the two questions and the candidate then has 20 minutes to prepare, before making his presentation. .

Unlike the other tests, the grand oral test is spread over two weeks. Final year candidates for the general or technological baccalaureate will take their test between Monday June 19 and Friday June 30, 2023, on dates and times that vary depending on the establishments and academies.

What about topics? Here are some ideas, but finding a personal one that you want to work on, and related to the professional project, remains the best way to get a good grade:

According to the website dedicated to students Thotis as well as the specialized site of Le Parisien Etudiant, here are examples of questions formulated according to specialties during the grand oral test:

This very recent test is the one that most values ??the oral skills and expression of candidates for the baccalaureate, with a coefficient of 10 for the general stream, which is the most important after the specialty tests all marked with a coefficient of 16. is therefore an opportunity to accumulate a lot of points to obtain the diploma or obtain a mention. In technological courses, the opportunity to score points is all the greater when the coefficient of the test increases to 14.

For the grand oral exam for the 2023 baccalaureate, the candidates are individually summoned for forty minutes before a jury of two professors: an expert in the specialty and a “candid”, non-expert. First, the candidate submits to the jury, on a sheet signed by the specialty teachers, the statement of two questions. The choice of question is up to the jury.

The grade for the grand oral is based both on the knowledge provided during the presentation and on the general expression of the candidate. Marked out of 20 points, it represents 10% of the final baccalaureate mark for the general route and 14% for the technological route. The jury examines above all the candidate’s knowledge, but also his ability to argue and connect knowledge, his critical spirit, the precision of his expression, the clarity of his words, his commitment in his word, his strength of conviction. The points can be submitted to the appreciation of each teacher according to different and more or less demanding criteria.

If this framework may appear to fluctuate, the Ministry of Education and several rectors of academies nevertheless wanted to recall that the principle of benevolence prevailed for this still new test (since it is only its second edition). The ministry added details: “this oral allows the candidate to show his ability to speak in public in a clear and convincing way, to put the knowledge he has acquired, particularly in his specialty teaching, at the service of an argument, and to show how this knowledge has nourished his plan to continue his studies, or even his professional project”.

A special evaluation grid for the grand oral

And if you want to know more about the concrete way in which the grand oral can be assessed, know that the Ministry of Education has posted a grid of precise criteria on which the professor examiners of the grand oral can rely to establish their rating. It is important to know that the famous grid is not mandatory but can serve as an aid to the jury. This indicative evaluation grid for the final oral test * lists five criteria, which can be judged by the jury as “very insufficient”, “insufficient”, “satisfactory” or “very satisfactory”:

* see Appendix 1 on this page

The 1st time of the event, that of the presentation, is not subject to development this year. But the 2nd time allows you to benefit from it! After the candidate’s presentation, there is indeed a ten-minute discussion between the jury and the high school student. The discussion revolves around the questions prepared by the student and the members of the jury are free to ask for clarification.

This step must show the candidate’s ability to elaborate on points in their argument, to speak clearly and to demonstrate their critical thinking. Like last year, it was decided that the candidate could “use a medium, such as a painting, to illustrate or explain his remarks” during the time of exchange, as specified on the website of the Ministry of Education .

A priori, the results of the grand oral test will be available on Tuesday July 4, 2023, at the same time as the results of the other tests (French, philosophy and specialty tests). The coefficient according to the sector and the date of passing the oral early does not influence the publication of the results. The grand oral grade will also be accessible on the details of the candidate’s transcript. The transcript must be issued to the candidate by the educational institution in which he is enrolled.