Young German to leave, according to data from Eurostat, her parents ‘ house, with an average of 23.7 years – men (24.4 years), in General, slightly more time than women (22,9 years). In a European comparison, the young adults are full-fledged in this country with above-average speed. As the chart from Statista shows, life French a little longer with their parents, Romabet in the case of the Spaniards, there are significantly more years. The longest Montenegrins (32.5 years) is holding it by the hearth, and also the young adults in the neighboring country of Croatia to be full-fledged with more than 30 years. However, it also attracts the Finns (of 21.9 years), a full ten years earlier in the first apartment of your own, or rent. In the case of the low-countries, there are only 0.1 years earlier than in this country. The EU-wide average is 26 years.
