
Djamin Izadi, Lennart Eicke, Jacob, Amr, JP, Neumann and Felix Eicke are the Indie Band Leonids

©Maximilian king

The Leonids from Kiel, the two brothers Lennart (guitar) and Felix Eicke (drums), Djamin Izadi (Synthesizer), JP, Neumann (Bass), and vocalist Jakob Amr. After the debut-Album “Leonids” in the year 2017, the Indie Band from the North released their second album “Again”. Why they are on this Album incredibly proud of, and why sometimes the perfectionism go through with you, Lennart Eicke and Jakob Amr, the Munich-based news Agency spot on news in an Interview.

with regard to music from Germany, you are in the Moment of not-so-secret secret tip. How does it feel?

Lennart Eicke: I doubt it. We are more frequently confronted in Interviews than in real life, that we’re supposed to become something greater. But if we compare the Tour, we have played a year ago, and the Tour that we play now for the next few months, we find the also. Because some shops are visited just ten times as good. For us it was totally normal to play in front of 30 people. And now 300 up to 500 up to 1000 people. This feels very good, to answer the question.

Fulfilled your life’s dream?

Lennart: Yes! He has been doing for some time. Within our life dream, we expand and get stuck again and again. So you can keep to stay happy.

What is the next big goal?

Jakob Amr: right Now we are in an exciting Phase. Today is the day appears on the “Again”. An Album that we put 9000 hours of work, and we could be proud not to be. It’s a giant Tour is coming, and the goal is to play every concert as if it would be the first and last at the same time. And to survive, that would be good. This is for me at least.

How much of your musician brings life to your borders?

Lennart: We don’t take much. Actually, not at all. After we released the first Album, we went immediately on Tour. Then we came home and immediately started to write “Again”. That was about one and a half years. We played last year, 100 concerts. We have played this year, 100 concerts, and in between, the Album written and recorded. The around is a lot of work on it. Especially if you have a private Label. We are sometimes quite stressed and sleeping little.

you referred to you also as best friends. There are moments in which you get together?

Lennart: We argue quite a lot. More than other the best of friends.

Jacob: We are more than just best friends.

Lennart: We have become accustomed, that we are addressing everything that bothers us, immediately. And then but not on a diplomatic way, but it us annoying.

What is your USP? As A Band?

Jacob: We place a great value on our Live Show. We are planning to do with a whole lot of perfectionism. And on the stage we are in from the first Note to the last crazy in the head, by turning it just and dance, because this is the time of the day, for we make the. With a huge passion. And we are a Band that always wants to push everything at 110 percent. I believe that we are different from other Bands is That we always need a lot longer to be satisfied.

Lennart: We are geeks. We are Pashacasino a full locker in terms of Genre boundaries. But in all other respects, we are actually pretty strict. We are neurotic and correct control freaks who want to be nothing out of Hand, and rather everything three or four Times to think or talk about and discuss. Until we can be really sure that we have found for us the best way. Because we leave nothing to chance.

are you afraid that your Do-It-Yourself character is not lost with time?

Jacob: The most Important thing is that you work together with people, which is really a friend familiar with which one you like. We will not drop.

Lennart: The work is less definitely not. Here and there you need support, because it is simply too much for five people. There was a time when this Band was more of an office job, because we have Packed, for example, all the pre-orders. In such cases we need help. But only in the implementation.

But where is this energy come from, with the help of the braces?

Lennart: This is our strange, perhaps unhealthy ambition. Because we incite us to like each other. There is no one who would like to somehow brake. It feels very naturally and properly, for example, four in the morning to get up, to go somewhere. No matter how tired you are. We do this for fun. If anyone of us has a bad day, then the detection of the four other immediately, without need to be talked about. This happens every Time that you get up with the wrong foot.

it Is as a Band in a smaller city like Kiel focused?

Lennart: Jacob is living proof of that.

Jacob: I’m drawn to the Leonids from Hamburg to Kiel. Before I moved to Hamburg from the need to listen to a cultural scene to be a part of. Even with this naive thoughts, I’m moving to a big city and then it will come. But when I moved to Kiel, we immediately noticed that the pushes again rad to the front. That we can be so much more concentrated. The town has some nice cafes and Clubs, in which you can go. And from my perspective, also very nice people. By this is not supersaturated culture Kiel is just a super place. Only to Leave Kiel is crazy for real. We could twice to Copenhagen and back, before we are for example in Munich.

Lennart: Just because you live in Kiel, does not mean that it is there 365 days in the year and missed everything. Kiel really has very, very cheap Rent. We have a sample space that is directly on the beach. With 80 Square Meters. We have to share us with anyone and I think of Bands from Cologne, Hamburg, Munich and Berlin can only dream of.

What is the greatest reward for your work?

Jacob: The biggest reward is to play our music live in front of people, you know, even though we know the people. The remains of the core of what we do. What we love most of all.
