It is an unimaginable ordeal for 18 must have been-Year-old. She was raped in Freiburg – allegedly by eight men. The police are even more offenders for possible further investigations.

The terrible fact triggers dismay, but also hatred. The most important questions and answers in the Overview:

What is happening in Freiburg?

According to the current investigation by the police and the public Prosecutor’s office at least eight men in the Saturday night from the 13. on the 14. October in Freiburg, Hans-Bunte-Strasse, in succession, a 18-Year-old raped.

The victim was with a friend at a Party in one of the discos in the industrial area. There, it is one of the later Suspects met him for a drink be invited, and around midnight, with him in front of the door to be gone. “In a nearby shrubbery it came to details of the Victim to a sexual Assault”, according to police. The young woman should have been defenseless, you may have been set using K. o.-drops or other drugs out of action. After his Assault, the alleged first-time offenders should have called in at least seven other men to have raped the 18-Year-old then also. The martyrdom of the victim lasted, according to information of the “image”newspaper about four hours. The 18-Year-old went a day after the fact to the police.


In this Fribourg commercial area, the gang rape is said to have taken place

©Patrick Seeger DPA Who the Suspects are?

The police has not yet set up on the Day of a special investigative group (“EC Club”), and immediately with the investigation of the Case started. Among other things, investigators discovered the body of 18-Year-old DNA evidence and submitted it to the laboratory for analysis. Five days after the fact, there was a hit in the DNA analysis files of baden-württemberg, land criminal police office: The DNA of a 19-year-old Syrian is stored in the database. He was arrested a day later in his Freiburg refugee accommodation.

that led to Further investigations, interrogations and covert measures in the following days, other Suspects. The police arrested a total of seven other men, the last last Thursday.

Freiburg Eight men to 18-year-old student one by one to

have raped her After a Disco visit to Freiburg is a 18-Year-old victim of an alleged gang rape. Meanwhile, eight Suspects have been detained, as police and prosecutors informed rushed.


Seven of the arrested are Syrians, almost all of them were taken in the Refugee shelters. A suspect is a German citizen. The accused are between 19 and 29 years of age and are now sitting in custody. “Almost all of the current suspects are already entered by the police in appearance,” said a police spokeswoman. For which offences, police said. As a particularly piquant is a Information of the “image could be”newspaper, should they come to pass: The alleged first-time offenders should be before the rape of an arrest warrant sought. An official confirmation of this.

What are the police doing now?

the work of The land office of criminal investigation and the “community Club” with a meanwhile, 13 officials over at high speed, police said. Among other things, further traces from the body of the victim be examined, as well as the investigators examine whether, in fact, actually K. o.-drops. Also, traces from the crime scene to be examined. Much of the is but, what of the night from the 13. on the 14. October is done in Freiburg, Hans-Bunte-Strasse, is unclear. Whether the Suspects have expressed in the interviews to the accusation, is also not known. The police suspect that might even have involved more than the so far accused eight men of rape. For further Enquiries, the police and the public Süperbahis Prosecutor were not to reach on Saturday.

press review judgment in Freiburg “of The case, Hussein K. reveals the Sordidness of the German refugee policy” DPA

“The ‘discovery Club’ is looking for witnesses who can supply the relevant information to the crime scene”, calls the police and the population to Use. “In particular, visitors of the club in the Hans-Bunte-Strasse, which made the night of his perceptions to the Tatablauf, will be asked to log in.” Information can be submitted to the investigator at the phone number (0761) 8825777.

How is the victim of the rape?

To the health of the 18-Year-old makes the police no information. We are trying to protect the victim. “For us, it is important that you do not is now given in the aftermath of the Public,” said a police spokeswoman for the “Badische Zeitung” is known to be the Case.

“women respond depending on your personality quite different to a rape,” says the Police crime prevention of the Länder and the Federal government. “Some women are completely resolved and desperate, while others seem calm and relaxed. A lot of talk is hardly the fact, because they are ashamed and fear that you are not believed or blamed for the act itself is attributed.” But: “The responsibility lies solely with the perpetrator!”

what are the reactions?

the city and the security authorities announced their intention, through increased police presence and better lighting in the streets and Because of the feeling of security in the city. Mayor Martin Horn (independent) condemned the act. “There is no tolerance for such heinous crimes! We would like to thank the police and the Prosecutor’s office for the quick and consistent investigation,” he wrote in a statement. “Our thoughts are with the victim and his family.” Horn stunning that among the perpetrators were Refugees. These are people who are themselves fleeing persecution, war and violence, and that the city of Freiburg protection. “We are demanding very clearly that our rules and laws by All and adhered to be accepted.” At the same time, he warned, to condemn crimes like these refugees in a lump sum.

interior Minister Thomas Strobl, expressed similar dismay: “If the Alleged confirm, we have to do it with a heinous act that leaves no one cold.” The CDU politician praised the “excellent” work of the investigating authorities.

Freiburg was advised as to the murder of a student two years ago in the headlines. A young refugee was taken and then fixed, and in March sentenced. The former did well as farEUA, crime in the Region had triggered a debate on the German refugee policy.

Also, the current Freiburg crimes, heating up the discussions again. In the social networks, the fact is taken as an occasion to denigrate foreigners a lump sum or to spread calls for lynching. In particular, the AfD and their supporters are apparently trying to make political capital out of the case. The group Chairman, Alice ryegrass language with a view to seven suspected refugees of the “scum”.

Why is the case only now?

From the above circles has been collected in the social networks of the allegation, the authorities or the media had tried to conceal the rape. This is not demonstrably the case. The police released three days after the fact a first call, which was also disseminated by local media (“Badische Zeitung”). Already here, the suspicion was expressed that the rape of the other perpetrators have been involved. After the arrest of the last Suspect informed the public Prosecutor and the police the Public about the results so far. In the circumstances, given the fact now a supra-regional relevance, ARD and ZDF, have reported in their evening news broadcasts.

15-Year-old stabbed to death Why the “Tagesschau” first of all, not about the murder, from Kandel

it was reported in the majority of rape offences (including sexual coercion and Assault) in Germany is generally reported to be rare nationally: In the past year, the police captured according to crime statistics, a total of 7495 such offences (an average of about 20 a day). Of the identified 9414 suspects 1495 immigrants (asylum seekers, beneficiaries of protection, asylum-seekers, Tolerated, quota refugees, illegally residing at the end), this corresponds to a share of 12.2 percent.

One reason for the higher crime rate among immigrants is generally the simple fact that among them are special, many young men are. And the more young men there are, the more crimes are committed. This applies worldwide, regardless of origin. In Germany, the 14 – to 30-year-old men, a total of nine percent of the resident population, but commit over 60 percent of the crime (read more about it here in the star).

sources: the police and the Prosecutor’s office of Freiburg, police in Freiburg, the “image”-newspaper, “Badische Zeitung”, a Police crime prevention of the Länder and the Federal government, Freiburg’s Lord mayor, Martin Horn, AfD group’s boss, Alice ryegrass, Police crime statistics, 2017

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