The alleged death shooter of Pittsburgh wishes all Jews to death. The documents of the investigators that were released early on Sunday morning (local time). Robert B. had told the police, the Jews committed a genocide “to my people” and he wanted all Jews to die. Who, exactly, with “my people” meant is unclear. Robert B. had made statements about the genocide and his desire to kill Jews, said state’s attorney Scott Brady.

The document confirms the suspicion that a synagogue chose specifically as a venue for his massacre. The 46-Year-old is accused of eight women and three men killed. After an exchange of fire with police forces, to persuade him to Give up and surrender to create it. B. was injured and is currently in the hospital (more about the alleged read Protect here).

At a press conference Official Details announced. The victim had been murdered “brutally of a shooter,” said Bob Jones of the FBI, “simply because of their faith”. It is unclear why the synagogue had become the target of the attack. The investigating authorities treated the crime as a hate crime, as a terrorist act. That is, you see, the fact is individually justified, and not by a group organized.


At the press conference were announced the names and ages of the victims. The dead are 54 to 97 years old, including a pair of brothers, and spouses.

images of the rescue imagine the services, how confusing the situation was and what the death must have been fears of the people in the synagogue. The door of the synagogue on the Sabbath, open – therefore, the shooter was able to enter unhindered the building. In the building of the three communities were celebrated, the Church services.

The first emergency calls were received on Saturday morning around 10 am local time. B. shot one of the first two police officers on the ground in the Hand, and the other was injured by shrapnel and glass fragments. B. barricaded himself according to the records, in the third floor of the “Tree of Life”synagogue. There he shot several times at police officers. Finally, the forces managed to get him to Give up.

in Total, were injured six people, including four police officers. One was already discharged Pasgol from the hospital, another will follow today. The other two would have to stay for a while in the hospital, it was said at the press conference. Two other people in the synagogue – a man and a woman – suffered injuries, her condition was stable.

Video: police released audio recording


Pittsburgh’s mayor Bill Peduto spoke of the “darkest day in Pittsburgh history”. He thanked also the use of forces and appealed to the sense of community in the city. Pittsburgh had been crises, there is always a by have worked together. “We as a society are better than that. We know that hatred will not win.”

Peduto stressed the traditionally Jewish district of Squirrel Hill, where the “Tree of Life”-the synagogue is located, was characterized by the diversity of its residents – a feature that would have made it especially popular. Peduto: “The people want to live there precisely because there is this diversity.”

The allegations against B. include 29 points, him hate to be accused of a crime. The massacre is, according to the organization Anti-Defamation League, probably the victim’s richest attack on the Jewish community in the history of the United States. Just a week before the mid-term elections, the fact has fanned the flames in addition, the debate over gun ownership and control laws.

US President Donald Trump once said, with armed security guards, the thing would be assumed to be possibly different. Mayor Peduto gave the idea of a cancellation, to secure churches or schools by armed guards. Instead, he pleaded indirectly for stricter gun laws: “We should ask ourselves how we can take the guns out of the hands of those who behave irrationally.” Also, Pennsylvania’s Governor Tom Wolf said, once again, dangerous weapons, citizens would be placed in danger.

Many politicians were appalled by the fact. Pope Francis said in Rome, “we are all hurt by this inhumane act of violence”. (For more reactions, read here.)
