“It is precisely this monstrous combination of murder and morality, crime and decency, which goes to the heart of the perpetrator mentality.”

The historian Konrad crimes of crimes in the “encyclopedia of national socialism,”

The few people who do other bad things, think of themselves as evil. On the contrary, The self-perception of many offenders, psychopaths, professional killers and violent Satanists with the exception, perhaps, is a completely different: you do what needs to be done. You fight an enemy that is your perception, according to a dire threat.

terrorists are about to see is known as freedom fighters, possibly as a Martyr: for the world Caliphate, the classless society, the “people”, or whatever.

extreme example Himmler

the so-called Posen Speeches are probably The most extreme historical example of this reality twisting, to explain in which Heinrich Himmler in 1943, SS-officers, tried to, that the organised mass murder of millions of Jews was a feat: to have The own misdeeds, the confrontation with the corpse mountains “by kept”, “a never written and never to write a page of glory in our history.”

to achieve this degree of perfidy, of genocide to be changed to “glory”, took advantage of Hitler and his followers, a technique that has also been in front of it and then used time and again to motivate people to atrocities: the dehumanization of the victims. Himmler called the Jews, among other things, “Bazilllen” in the “German folk body”.

cockroaches, to enemies and barbarians

The principle of dehumanization is used internationally: The Hutus in Rwanda called the Tutsis, which fell, finally, to a genocide victim, “cockroaches”. Even in the USA, can not be with the Nazi regime on one level, people use such methods. Even before the election of the US President Donald Trump, the social psychologists Nour Kteily and Emile Bruneau have shown that his supporters are Muslims and Mexicans “openly coded”. The but consequences: support for “measures”, such as torture and other violence.

The smaller solution, which is often, but similarly effective, is the collective devaluation of the group that you want to be able to attack with impunity.

“barbarians” – the term comes from a political science model – will be classified, for example, as a strong, but culturally inferior, violent, ruthless, irrational and unfocused destructive. Does this sound familiar? You might Gobahis be a German party, which is trying to a certain group of the population in a way?

another example that is currently observed in the United States, in terrible detail: The groups Image of the “enemy”, “hostile, manipulative, oportunist and not to be trusted”. The goal of such a characterization, it is often, “to justify an attack as a reaction”, believe social psychologists. Also it sounds terribly known.

“enemies of the people”, “the Crooked Hillary”, “Fake News”

U.S. President Donald Trump operates permanently with two images of the enemy. Immigrants and Muslims he represents as a barbarian. Time, he called the Mexican “drug dealers, Criminals, and rapists”, and other times he speaks of an “attack”, which he will encounter by the military, because more than 5000 people from Honduras are on the way to the southern border of the United States.

another group of Trump known as we know, even explicitly as the “enemies of the people”: the journalists. The “enemy”Image that the enemies are considered to be similar to powerful as their own group, unlike the barbarian, however, to keep track of at the same time as “evil and amoral”, always willing to go the own goals on opportunistic manner .

much more precisely you can describe the image that Trump his critics, and journalists signed up to. The repetitive rhetoric of the “Fraudulent Hillary” (“Crooked Hillary”) on “enemies of the people” to “Fake News” serves only one purpose: to explain the enmity of critics, who must be fought, Yes.

And then the pipe bombs

There is no evidence that Donald Trump toying with a genocide, and, possibly, his continued aggressive rhetoric should serve, rather, to the maintenance of his ego and the own base. The effect is different: at some point someone will feel then, and whether it is someone’s very Confused, the hero of occupations.

in 2016, walked a man with an assault rifle in a Pizzeria in Washington and began to shoot, because he had believed in Anti-Clinton conspiracy theories about a child molester ring. A elaboriertere, far larger Version of the child molester-conspiracy theory under the name of “QAnon” to date, in the circulation – Per-Trump-events, its supporters show up in droves.

And now someone, someone, to all appearance, an ardent admirer of trump’s and a big Fan of Fox News, pipe bombs sent to at least ten people who have one thing in common: has a critical attitude towards Trump.

If you referred to people long enough as “enemies”, it is someone of faith and violence did not only pardonable, but necessary. It is likely to be a historically largely a one-time event, that a US President acts of terrorism in their own country inspired. Trumps second response to the bombs, this Tweet was: “A very large part of the Anger we see today in our society, is caused by the deliberately false and inaccurate reporting in the Mainstream media, which I refer to as Fake News.”

It looks as if he will change his behavior.