It was a heart, soft of appeal, the chief of a small German film world turned to the audience in the festival hall of the Hofer Frank hall. “Help us, the audience back to the cinema,” said Alfred Holighaus leading as the President of a trade Association with the high-sounding name of the “top organization of the German film industry”. German filmmakers and Directors have to your create it in the next few years, a series and Streaming Offers-drenched audience “back in time abzuknipsen” for the visit to the cinema, he demanded.

In the case of the Hofer film days, dedicated to a tradition of the young professionals of the German cinema, was spoken a lot this year about the devastatingly poor audience figures of the year 2018. Not only because of the beautiful summer, even the most expensive movies have found their way from German production in the last few months, a staggering narrow audience. “The future used to be better,” said one of the discussion rounds, the addressed in court with the precarious situation of the market. Cinema need the pleasure of Surprise, said the 59-year-old Holighaus, when he was awarded, on Thursday, this year’s film prize of the city of Hof. And he claimed: “the court stands for, what makes people happy in the Film.”

Encouraging violations of rules

Actually, the Hofer film days captured in your 52. Year in a special way, as a place of Surprises. Sometimes could not catch the festival-goers even Think about whether or not the depressing economic situation of German cinema set in the pleasing manner of new energy. The misery creates, possibly, a courage to be freer to Tell, a desire for the violation of supposedly immutable rules? 140 German and international feature films and documentaries showed the film days-in-chief Thorsten Schaumann , since 2017, in the office, this year in the yard. After all, 21 films were nominated for the main Junior prize of the festival , the award “förderpreis Neues deutsches Kino”. In previous years, only seven or nine were there. The Jury then two movies, which are almost without a film to promote.

scene from “clearcutting” with Florian Bartholomäi

a special mention for he was the “Five things I don’t understand” . The Film takes place in the home of the Director Henning Beckhoff , on a farm in the small town of Ennepetal, on the edge of the Ruhr area. He told, with many Amateur actors and the professional actor Peter Lohmeyer in the Central adult role of late-adolescent conflicts of two very different brothers, first love, disappointments, and broken Family ties. In a magnificent Casualness Beckhoff tractor shows, rides and bare fields, the neglect of a man’s household, and the encounters of the high school heroes John (Jerome Hirt hammer) with a Syrian refugee.

Although John handled more threat with a hunting rifle, and apparently spectacular in the girlfriend of the older brother falls in love, the Film, especially that of Emptiness and boredom: a very true-to-life way, Beckhoff leads to oppressive, dangerous atmosphere were young people, which seeks to hide the cinema else like behind the school moderate scenario activism. The 27-year-old Director is a graduate of the Babelsberg film University Konrad Wolf, has turned his Film but without the support of television broadcasters and funding bodies.

The main award”förderpreis Neues Deutsches Kino” then went straight to a Director who never went to a film school. The Rostock film-maker Max Gleschinski is only 25 years old, and shows with other is a rural Thriller that is trained Venüsbet in models, such as “Fargo” and “Reservoir Dogs”. At the same time, he makes determined the original structure of the forest and meadow landscape of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to the scene of a murderous Showdowns for love reasons.

supporting role for “Monchi”

the most Prominent players in “clearcutting” Jan “Monchi” Gorkow, lead singer of the punk band, fillet, Fine cream Fish, in a smart in addition to role. In the center of the film, the actor Florian Bartholomäi, and Bernhard Conrad deliver in the midst of a lonely forest idyll, a great Fight every day to study in the city of pendular village beautiful (Maike Johanna Reuter). Of course, deforestation is “the” genre of the cinema, the shows off with a roaring sound track and fun to hellish violence cinema effects. In the summoning of an almost Shakespearean love of conflict, but the Film demonstrates a rare courage and risked even a couple of rather foolish joke about a Saxon tourist family

“luck is for wimps” with Ella Frey and Martin Wuttke

Two years of the Do-it-yourself filmmakers Gleschinski has worked on “clearcutting”, from a cultural Fund of the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, he received a grant of 10,000 euros, from the film support of the Established nothing of the pots. In the courtyard of the visibly overwhelmed price said holder in his speech of thanks: “I think it’s great that films made outside the system, have a platform.”

in all fairness, you should still report that there are days in the case of the Hofer film is also a couple of outstanding films were incurred under the normal conditions in the German Cinema and its conventions, unconcerned. “luck is for wimps” , is the name of the Film Director Anca Miruna Lazarescu , which opened the film festival on Tuesday. Lazarescu shows the actor Martin Wuttke as the father of two daughters, one of which (is Emilia Bernsdorf) die sick, and the other (Ella Frey) is likely to lose in surreal dream worlds.

Berlin merciless

Sometimes reminiscent of Sam Mendes’ “American Beauty”, when it shows the forsakenness of the father, works in a Doppeljob as death gliders, and as a lifeguard. However, the power and the charm of the film arise from the Unbedingheit, with the help of the Director of Dachau decides in the crucial scenes for the perspective of the young heroine – for their views on a world in which, as it is called in the Film, “the rage and the sadness are not often endure”.

“Kill Me Today, Tomorrow I’m Sick!” , was the name of the politically most controversial feature film of the festival. In it the cash signs your Joachim Schröder and Tobias Schreck the folly in long, tremendously expensive Peace mission in Kosovo in the guise of a shrill Satire, almost nothing is sacred. You can see vain OSCE-helper and mafia-like organized fighters of the Kosovo Albanians; there are shocking images of murders that are committed out of racial hatred, and cabaret table souped-up scenes from the bureaucrats of everyday life in the camp of the international peace-keeping force. Karin Hanczewski a naive and soon, die-hard German OSCE-wife, Carlo Ljubek, plays a charming rascal, the urges to your page. Schröder and fright to deliver a cynical, sometimes screaming comic, in the heart but desperate situation report on the helplessness of the Reasonable. Completely all persons of Good will are deprived of their improving the world hopes.

“Swim” with Lisa Vicari and Stephanie Amarell

On the other, the same harsh, irritating way, the Director Lucy is a Loose is a violation for a Swim in her Film “” against the conventions of a German Cinema craft, in the psychological and sociological attempts at explanation often each clear character drawing obscure. With the “gold award” for the best Director excellent Film is about a young woman who decides, for no particular reason, to manipulate their fellows Bang hard in order to do Evil.

The 15-year-old Berlin girl, Anthea (Lisa Vicari) is making friends with the peers Elisa (Stephanie Amarell). Refined in the Mouth and Drink savvy Anthea brings her shy new friend to your life, and then the films of their fellow inconsiderate with the phone’s camera. With proud cruelty, urging Elisa in a fight in the soon to life and death. Director Loose, Vintage 1989, tells this story of a devilish temptress in the cold, blue tinged pictures – and with a merciless, you’re gonna be in vain in the German cinema.

Maybe there is a little bit of hope in the recklessness of “deforestation”, the angry perplexity of the “Kill Me Today, Tomorrow I’m Sick!”, the relentlessness of “Swimming”, the big impact on the Hofer film days is so strong. The courage to be radical can, in fact, suck quite as an Argument, when it comes to inspire a few more spectators for the visit of German cinema films.