The days are getting colder – autumn has Germany firmly in its grip. Many recreational athletes do without in the darker Season of the year on the Outdoor Training and make it rather comfortable on the couch. Other to all the vagaries of the weather, in Spite of daily Cycling to work. With the right equipment must be omitted on the Cycling or Jogging, by no means. Some tips:


warm up, it Comes from heated areas of the Sport to the outside, to adjust the organism to the low temperatures. Who starts with full intensity, a is breathing too quickly, the cold air and the risk to irritate the throat, bronchi, and lungs. As a result, the cold increases the risk. Muscles and joints need longer to come to operating temperature. Therefore, before the Sport for five to ten minutes due to a loose Run to warm up and then in the usual Training to get in.

do Not wear too warm, diseases of The immune system to prevent strengthen – eight tips for better defenses

a Lot of recreational athletes put on in winter weather to warm. The best athletes dress in the Wind or freezing temperatures according to the Three-layer principle: functional underwear, a warm insulation layer is about from Fleece, which collects no moisture, and a protective layer. This can be a jacket, for example, a breathable wind, the moisture from inside escape to the outside, but the Wind, rain and snow keeps. Cotton clothing is not suitable, because it saves the sweat, and the athletes can’t cool down so fast.

the head, feet and hands to protect

also Advisable to place a hat, scarf and light gloves are because of the person loses about 40 percent of body heat through the head and neck. Anyone who drives in the Winter, wheel, must protect hands and feet against the cold, otherwise you will quickly numb. For the hands, lined and wind-proof gloves are a Must. Two Pairs of socks will not only help you, if the Shoe is too tight, because the air between the foot and the Shoe Youwin has an insulating effect. Also neoprene overshoes and a breathable rain pants to help against icy temperatures.

Reflective clothing for safety

Bright and reflective clothing increases the safety for joggers and cyclists. A high-visibility jacket in luminous Yellow or Orange can help cyclists, in addition, to be better perceived.

light at the wheel

The wheel should be in the dark, easily recognizable, both by their own lights as well as Reflectors. In the case of missing or non-functioning lighting, is a fine of a minimum of 20 Euro threatens cyclists. In addition, the accidents can have very costly consequences.

of Course, pain and Co heal: help for sore – these home remedies you should know 0 Fullscreen

neck pain

the Name of The sage plant derives from the Latin word “salvare”, so it’s starting to heal. In fact, the Plant has antibacterial and inhibits the growth of viruses and fungi. To anti effect Sept decongestant, and vessel is yet to come-sealing characteristics, contained in the essential Oil thujone has an analgesic effect. The experts of the Commission E, an expert panel for herbal medicines, rates for mouth and throat inflammation, therefore, to gargle with sage tea.


? A teaspoon of dried sage leaves pour half a Liter of boiling water.

? leave for Ten minutes and the tea strain.

? gargle several Times a decay every day until the discomfort.

©vicuschka/iStockphoto the speed of the Bike throttles

In the case of slippery leaves covering the snow and ice fall danger for cyclists is generally large. Cyclists should chokes in any case, the speed and in curves, neither joining in on the brakes. For bicycles, there are now special winter tires, as well as with metal pins provided road spikes. Who is setting the saddle also had a few inches lower, gets in quickly with both feet in contact with the ground.

to strengthen the immune system

Not least, regular exercise like Walking, Running or Cycling does not strengthen the cough and cold season only the immune system and protects against infections, but also helps against the mood of deep in the dark time of the year. Sport and exercise in the fresh air, the production of the feel-good hormone Serotonin and the cardiovascular system. Even in the grey, cloudy sky, the natural daylight is three to four times as strong as the room lighting. Experts recommend to go a half an hour a day outside.

Andrea Hentschel / AFP