Stephan K. looks down. Almost all of the time he looks on the table top in front, while the presiding judge read out the verdict. Again and again she looks to the defendant. Petra turn-Spohr’s referred to as a “perfidious, treacherous attack”, called the act “cowardly”.

The 52-Year-old since June, before the Hamburg court of assizes. In December 2017 he had two illegal firecrackers in the S-Bahn-Station Veddel explode, you were at least 73 screws in a plastic bag.

the chamber, Stephan K. sentenced to ten years imprisonment for, among other things, attempted murder. The prosecution had demanded eight years imprisonment for the defendant, and the defender a maximum of two.

The court of the to little: Stephan K. had acted treacherously, and a common dangerous agents are used, two murder characteristics were met. Also, the “massive criminal record” of the man played in the decision.


Four people were the judge, according to the in the vicinity of the Detonation, a man had suffered a blast injury. Three experts confirmed that the explosive device could have killed someone. It was just a coincidence that the fact went out lightly, said turn-Spohr’s.

Stephan K. has a confession. He had no one want to or even kill injure. “I wanted to scare people,” he said during the trial. Later, he spoke of an “early new year’s eve fireworks”, a “too makabrem joke”. He apologized to the victim who has suffered a blast injury.

thanks to surveillance video there was no doubt as to the guilt of the accused, in the centre of the process, the question of the motive. The case is also because of the past Perabet of the 52-Year-old controversial: He has been convicted in his or her life to a total of 18 years in prison.

“Grinning a beer out of the backpack

for Decades, brought” was Stephan K. according to the protection of the Constitution as a violent right-wing radical. In 1992, he was sentenced to eight and a half years in prison because he and a buddy in Buxtehude had beaten to death a captain. The victim had referred to Hitler as a criminal.

In the district of Veddel, where he committed his attack, 70 percent of the population with a migration background. A racist motive was “quite likely,” said the judge. She described the defendant as “ardent followers of Hitler”, which had hardened in its extreme right-nationalist ethos.

The potential danger of his act had been Stephan K. completely indifferent. After the Explosion, the judge, the defendant quickly in the “S-Bahn” and “grinning a beer out of the backpack brought”. This empathy lack, said an expert with the antisocial personality of the accused.

Whether Stephan K. was from radical right-wing motives, in the process not be conclusively determined. Nevertheless, the negotiations allowed the views of an abyss. Almost all the witnesses from the environment of the accused had a “national attitude”, as they are called by the Prosecutor.

the remains of the explosive device at the scene of the crime

The Ex-girlfriend of the man about told the court that she had a “healthy, Patriotic attitude”. On demand, you said: “Each country has its people.” A certain amount of normality has to remain.

you don’t have anything against foreigners. “But I think it’s nice that a Swede its a Swede, a Norwegian his Norwegian and German has its German.” To much of the outside was just too much that had nothing to do with right-wing extremism.

These rates are official and come from a financial. It was frightening, to Express themselves – and yet the semblance of civility, the true, said the Prosecutor.

Will accept Stephan K. the verdict? This is rather unlikely. On the question of a Revision of his defender said: “The answer you can think of.”