reports The most important messages in the Short Overview:

Morocco: time change leads to confusion (16.42 hrs): Turkish army is bombing in Syria, US-supported Kurdish militia (Sunday, 13.46 p.m.)severe weather in Italy: Dead after landslide (Sunday, 10: 04 am)ultra right-wing Ex-military Bolsonaro like to point out that elections in Brazil, forward (Sunday, 2.07 PM)shots fired at synagogue in Pittsburgh (Saturday, 17.04 PM)

The news of the weekend in the star-Ticker:

+++ 16.42 PM: time change in Morocco confusion and Trouble +++

In Morocco, the time has led to change in the night from yesterday to today, to confusion and Anger. In a population surprising move, the government had decided only on Friday, the clock is not the usual one hour, but leave in the local summer time. Numerous people complained in the Internet about it, that the time has been reset, for example, on computers and Smartphones today, but still automatically to an hour.

The state-owned airline Royal Air Maroc had previously announced that in future, all flights to and from Morocco with a one-hour delay would start. The Moroccan Minister of education, Saaid Amzazi, announced at the weekend that the hours be adjusted to the plans of the new time, and students in the future need to go to 08 o’clock instead of 9 o’clock in the school. This decision resulted in users of the social networks to protest. With the decision of the Moroccan government reached an adaptation to the current time in France and Germany.

+++ 16.23 PM: Two and a half Meter high foam mountain of Shampoo on Bach, in Baden-Württemberg +++

To draw attention of citizens, police officers on a Creek in the Rhein-Neckar-Kreis up to two and a half Meter high foam mountain discovered. The custodians of law and order accounted for together with the fire brigade a drain pipe as the origin of the foam phenomenon, such as the police in Mannheim, Germany told.The first investigation, according to the faulty Shampoo had been disposed of accordingly, in the drain opening into the pipe bottles by a company. According to the police, it was commercially available Shampoo.

officials of the police station Eberbach took together with the water protection police investigations against the alleged polluter. Water samples were taken and are now being investigated, the extent to which the foam is a risk for animals and the environment.

+++ 16.19 PM: DEG-sticker on Ebay 11.150 Euro a +++

A little fun of the düsseldorf ice-hockey fans, according to the media, there’s a whole tabled reports: A DEG-Logo you pasted is secretly the coach of arch-rivals Cologne Haie, was sold for 11.150 Euro on the auction platform Ebay. The düsseldorf EC announced on Facebook. The proceeds will benefit the Junior ice hockey in both cities.

Together with the musicians of the dead pants the DEG Fans had glued the Bus to the sharks last week with the Logo and so on the journey home sent. The more than a Meter wide film with DEG-Emblem emblazoned for days unnoticed on the roof of the bus, to the DEG made the Cologne club’s attention. The Cologne came up with the idea of an auction, and paid well. The DEG posted after the successful auction via Facebook: “Thank you 1 goes to the successful bidder. Thank you 2 of the sharks, have finally reacted on something. Thank you 3 to all advance-confidant, collaborator and comrade-in-arms at and in the vicinity of the DEG!”

+++ 15.38 PM: hurricane and strong rain – Südösterreich brace itself against flooding +++

As a harbinger of expected Flooding, a hurricane has covered in Austrian Carinthia roofs and approximately 1400 households of the energy supply is cut off. In the southern province has been spilled moreover, roads from landslides, reported the authorities. In addition, there was heavy rain that could lead in the coming days a historic flood, said the Carinthian state government after a crisis meeting in Klagenfurt.

Since yesterday, more than 100 liters of rain per square meter fell in the Region in several places, at the plöcken pass it up Sunday afternoon, even nearly 370 liters. In order to keep the damage as low as possible, as a precautionary measure the drained water from reservoirs. Forces advanced with sand bags.

+++ 15.02 PM: attackers on the synagogue during violent anti-Semitic slogans +++

The attacker killed on Saturday in a synagogue in the US, eleven people gave during his violent anti-Semitic slogans. Robert Bowers was made in the Jewish house of worship in Pittsburgh, “Remarks to genocide,” said Scott Brady, attorney for the West of the state of Pennsylvania. Bowers had brought during his attack, his Plan to “kill Jews,” said Brady on Sunday.

carnage in the synagogue “Can’t sit there”: Robert B., the alleged assassin of Pittsburgh

The attacker was penetrated with an assault rifle and at least three pistols, armed in the tree of life synagogue in Pittsburgh. During a ceremony for the naming of a Baby on the Sabbath-day, he opened fire and killed eleven people. Six other people were injured, including four police officers.

US media reported that Bowers should have “All Jews must die!” roared. He should also have a few hours before the attack in a case of racists and white nationalists, a popular online network of anti-Semitic posts published.

+++ 14.49 PM: snow, ice, 20 degree: meteorologist predicts “wild weather” + + +

the other day, T-Shirt weather, now it’s already time for snow suits: In Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, there has been on the weekend, the first real snow in the deeper layers. This is the German weather service (DWD) reported in Offenbach on Sunday. On the Feldberg in the black forest, 15 inches of new snow fell. If it’s slippery, several accidents occurred – for example, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. A section of the Baltic sea motorway A20 near Wismar was locked according to the police, even.

The DWD expected for the coming days, which is considerably milder weather, but not the whole of Germany can look forward to. “The Deep “Vaia” just at the beginning of the week, partly for wild weather,” said meteorologist Adrian Leyser. The temperatures hover between 3 and more than 20 degrees, rain, sun, clouds and sometimes heavy squalls.

On Monday, the Thermometer remains, according to the DWD, the majority still in very cool 4 to 9 degrees, just to the South of Bavaria, it is sufficient for 10 to 15 degrees. It is mostly cloudy, but the rain is not quite as strong as on the weekend.

+++ 14.24 PM: Lavrov to disarmament Treaty: USA to prove allegations +++

Russcountry, foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov calls on the USA evidence for the accusation that his country had violated one of the most important nuclear disarmament agreement. If the Americans would have discovered this with the help of satellite data, then you should submit this, Lavrov said the broadcaster Rossiya 1, according to Russian media. “Then we can understand what you’re talking about.” For years, he always hear of the allegations, Lavrov said.

to have The United States accusing Russia of the so-called INF Treaty by testing a new Cruise missile as of 2008, hurt and banned missiles. US President, Donald Trump had this mentioned as a reason for his threat, to want out of the contract get out.

INF stands for “Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces,” and is a agreement of 1987 between the United States and the former Soviet Union, says the construction and ownership of land-based, nuclear-armed missiles, or cruise missiles with ranges of 500 to 5,500 kilometers.

+++ 13.46 PM: reports: Turkish army is bombing in Syria, US-supported Kurdish militia +++

The Turkish army has bombed according to media reports, in Northern Syria, the findings of the US-backed Kurdish militia YPG. As the state news Agency Anadolu reported on the firing of the Turkish artillery positions of the Kurdish people’s defense units (YPG) on the East Bank of the Euphrates in the Region of Kobane. Turkey considers the YPG, as the Syrian offshoot of the fighting Kurdistan workers ‘ party (PKK), while the United States is supporting the militia in the fight against the jihadists in Syria.

+++ 12.58 PM: 3300 arrests at protests against women in Indian temple +++

you want to put in any case, women in your temple: police in the southern Indian city of Kerala has in protests against the court-ordered Opening of the Sabarimala temple, more than 3300 demonstrators. The temple is since the 16. October for women in the reproductive age accessible. Since then, pilgrims and journalists were attacked again by conservative Hindus.

The Supreme court had previously overturned a century-old spell in the temple for women in the reproductive age. You access had been denied to the sanctuaries of the Sabarimala temple, because their presence is harmful, allegedly, the celibacy of the temple deity Ayappa. Menstruating women are valid in the Hinduism as unclean.

The detainees were unlawful Assembly, and riot to the load placed on how the police in Kerala announced on Sunday. The majority was already on bail. The controversy is fueled by the policy. The conservative ruling party, the BJP accused the left government of Kerala, to ignore the feelings of creditors Hindus. In India, next year will be elected.

+++ 12.40: IS territories conquered in the East of Syria back +++

The terrorist militia Islamic state (IS) in Eastern Syria, larger areas will Robert. Including is also one of the largest oil Fields in the country, BelTA learned from circles of the Opposition in the province of Dair as-Saur. The Islamists would have won on Sunday morning, the control over the area after the fighters of the Syrian Democratic forces (SDF) would be withdrawn. The IS had lost the area to the East of the river Euphrates, a year ago, the opposition fighters.

Since the days of the IS and the Kurdish-led SDF fierce battles in Eastern Syria to deliver. According to the Syrian Observatory for human rights, have died since Friday at least 68 SDF-fighters in the most serious attack by the Islamists for months.

the United States supported The SDF, which had played a Central role in the conquest of the former IS strongholds, Al-Rakka and Dair as-Saur. The IS had moved to the losses in some of the desert areas on the border between Syria and Iraq.

+++ 12.07 PM: the Presidential runoff in Brazil started +++

In Brazil, the runoff has begun for the presidency. As a favorite of the ultra-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro of the Social-liberal party (PSL) going into the race. In the first ballot on may 7. October, he came on 46 percent of the vote, his opponent, Fernando Haddad of the workers party (PT) to 29 percent. The latest polls predict Bolsonaro 55 and Haddad 45 percent.

After a tense election campaign, are around called 147 million voters, to determine a new head of state for Latin America’s largest and most populous country. Bolsonaro is often referred to as the “Donald Trump of Brazil,” and it is striking again and again with racist, misogynist and homophobic Statements.

Haddad, a former mayor of São Paulo, as a substitute candidate of the labour party for the because of corruption imprisoned former head of state, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. This had originally been considered as the most promising presidential candidate.

+++ 11.56 PM: police 400 criminal charges for coal-protests +++

The police has to be reimbursed in connection with the brown coal protests in the Rhenish area according to its own figures 400 criminal charges. The Prosecutor’s office had initiated an investigation for trespassing, police said. Thousands of activists of the Alliance at the end of the terrain had disrupted the operation in the case of actions for an immediate exit strategy from Coal, with blockades of the Mining, but also in public life: A highway and a stretch of the railway section were hours blocked after activists went about it. According to police, people from the Region called and have made their displeasure about the limitations of air.

+++ 11.27 am: railway track Cologne-Bonn locked – suspected hazardous substances +++

on suspicion of leaking hazardous materials from a freight car temporarily for a train blocking between Bonn and Cologne route. At the Troisdorf train station is a Firefighters checked the two cars, from which the fluid escaped, a spokesman said. It was quickly discovered that it was just condensation, there was at no time a danger. The track had been released of the route after about one and a half hours. The driver got suspicious and alerted the fire-Department. The “Bonner General-Anzeiger” had first reported.

+++ 10.04 PM: the severe weather in Italy: Dead after landslide +++

Four people died after storms in the South of Italy. The men had been killed near the Calabrian town of Crotone, by a landslide, as they wanted to repair a broken pipe, reported Italian news agencies, citing the police. Among the dead was an entrepreneur in the Region, and three workers. The line was due to bad weather, broken gegangen, what the four men ausrückten to work.

Currently, bad weather is pulling the front over Italy. The civil protection had been issued for large parts of the country including Tuscany, Umbria, Veneto, Calabria and Sicily, a severe weather warning.

+++ 10.02 PM: strike at Brussels airport continues – 150 Connections are deleted +++

the baggage workers at Brussels airport have been on strike again on Sunday. Again, around 150 of 550 Links should be, as a spokeswoman for the Airports, to the Belgian news Agency Belga said. Trade unionists, the strike is aimed, among other things, high stress in the workplace. Specifically, it is about unclear breaks rules.

An end to the strike action was not at first in sight. The negotiations between the service provider Aviapartner and the trade unions should be continued on Sunday. Late Saturday evening, the talks had been terminated still inconclusive.

The Aviapartner-strike had begun on Thursday evening spontaneously. True beginning of the holiday week to all saints ‘ in Belgium, he also many tourists. On Saturday, 70,000 passengers were expected on Sunday to 74,000 at the airport. Alone, to Saturday, around 250 flights were. Some flights were diverted.

+++ 9.44 PM: Posse to alleged Israeli plane in Pakistan +++

The President of Pakistan, Arif Alvi has dismissed rumors of the landing of an Israeli plane in Islamabad. The background is that the Muslim of Pakistan has recognised Israel and has no diplomatic relations with the country. “The reports about the presence of an Israeli aircraft are completely unfounded,” said Alvi to local media. “We do not build relations with Israel.”

The alleged ten-hour stay of an Israeli Business aircraft in the Pakistani capital, had triggered heavy criticism of the new government under Prime Minister Imran Khan by the Opposition. Already on the Saturday evening before, two of the government had explained to members that there had been no landing.

Local media reports suggest that an Israeli Journalist had triggered the rumours. He had written in the short message service Twitter, an Israeli Jet had flown from Tel Aviv to Islamabad and had been on Wednesday, ten hours at the airport.

+++ 9.28 PM: Australian conductor Richard Grill with 76 +++

at The age of 76 years, the Australian conductor Richard Gill died died. He died in Sydney from cancer. “Richard was a Champion of Australian music,” said an obituary in the Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra that he had founded.

Gill’s honor had gathered on Saturday, more than 70 musicians in front of his house, to play one of his favorite pieces, the “Dam Busters March”,.

Gill was also a popular Music agent, whose concern it was, to all strata of society, the love for music. He became the “face” of classical music in Australia, took care of the training of music teachers and was a regular guest on TV music shows. He contributed to the founding of choirs and orchestral ensembles.

+++ 8.09 PM: government representative: anti-Semitism international fight +++

With grief and the horror of anti-Semitism officer of the Federal government, Felix Klein, reacts to the attack in a synagogue in the American city of Pittsburgh. “Pittsburgh shows that the fight against anti-Semitism is a task that, unfortunately, in many countries,” said Small of the German press Agency. “We need to tackle it, therefore, also at the international level. Germany has a special obligation.”

He announced that in conjunction with Germany’s American and European partners to strategies for the fight against anti-Semitism. “Today, I call on, in particular, the Austrian presidency of the EU Council to set a visible sign for the security of Jewish institutions, which we are discussing in the EU.”

A 46-year-old American was invaded in the antisemitic attack on Saturday during a naming ceremony in the synagogue in Pittsburgh. He shot eleven people.

+++ 7.09 PM: hundreds of criminal charges against activists, the protests of the “terrain” +++

the protests against the brown coal mining in North Rhine-Westphalia has reported to the police according to their own information, criminal charges against a total of 400 activists. The public Prosecutor’s office Aachen have launched an investigation with breach of the peace, said police in Aachen on Saturday evening. Previously had tried, therefore, about 250 environmental activists, in the Rhenish brown coal opencast mining Inden. On the site of the open cast mine Hambach 18 coal opponents occupy in the meantime, an excavator.

According to the coalition for action “terrain” involved around 6,500 activists in the protests. 4000 people occupied, therefore, the tracks of the hambach railway, which supplies the RWE power plants in niederaussem, frimmer village and Neurath lignite from Hambach. The police reported approximately 2000 activists on the train tracks.

+++ 5.50 PM: AfD, according to surveys prior to entry into the last state +++

16 out of 16: The AfD will be represented to the state election in Hesse on Sunday probably for the first time in all state parliaments in Germany. In the polls the party for weeks to more than 10 percent. In 2013, the right-wing populists in the state of Hesse failed with 4.1 percent at the Five-percent-hurdle. In the Bundestag election in September of the same year, the AfD took in the state of Hesse already 11.9 per cent of the second votes.

Hesse survey shock before the state election: the CDU and the SPD to plunge even further from DPA

The jump in the first Parliament, the AfD 2014 made in Saxony, with 9.7 percent. Then all the other parliaments followed. Finally, the AfD took two weeks ago in Bavaria, 10.2 percent of the vote – their third-best result in the case of a West German state election. In 2016, was awarded in Baden-Württemberg, 15,1, and in Rhineland-Palatinate, 12.6 percent of the vote.

most of the party did so far, 2016 at the state election in Saxony-Anhalt. There she was at 24.3 percent, the second strongest force – as well as later, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (20.8 percent). The AfD moved in the last year, with 12.6 percent for Tipobet the first time in the Bundestag. In the European Parliament, it is represented since 2014.

+++ 3.03 PM: earthquake shakes Romania +++

An earthquake of a magnitude of 5.7 has shaken in the night to Sunday in Romania. The center of the quake was, according to the website of the newspaper “Adevarul” in Vrancea, to the East of the city of Brasov (German Kronstadt) in a depth of 200 kilometers. The Beben was also felt in the capital Bucharest. On any damage or victims, no information was available initially.

+++ 2.07 PM: ultra-right-wing Ex-military Bolsonaro before the runoff election in Brazil, the right-wing populist presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro is on the front +++

Immediately prior to the runoff election in Brazil, more in the front. According to a Saturday poll by the opinion research Institute Datafolha of the Ex-military would have 55 percent of the vote, his opponent, Fernando Haddad of the left of the labor party on 45 per cent.

The Institute Ibope saw Bolsonaro at 54 percent and Haddad 46 percent of the vote. According to two surveys Bolsonaro would win the election on Sunday. However, his lead had shrunk in the past weeks.

Bolsonaro polarized with derogatory remarks about minorities, women, homosexuals and Blacks, as well as with his sympathy for the military dictatorship (1964-1985). To stay also for the new middle class is selectable, had he moderated his discourse.

+++ 0.25 PM: Trump condemned “the vicious anti-Semitic attack” +++

US President Donald Trump has condemned the deadly attack on visitors of a synagogue in Pittsburgh as a “vicious anti-Semitic attack”. “This vicious anti-Semitic attack is an attack against humanity,” tweeted Trump on Saturday evening (local time). Now all should work “to remove the poison of anti-Semitism in our world”. “We need to unite to overcome the hatred.” America mourn the victims of the mass murder in the synagogue.

In the case of the antisemitic attack on the “Tree of Life” synagogue, a 46-year-old man had killed eleven people. A further six people were injured. The attack occurred during a baptism ceremony in the house of God on the Jewish holiday Sabbath.

In a first reaction to the fatal shootings of Pittsburgh Trump faster death had demanded sentences for murderers. “You really should pay the ultimate price,” Trump said on Saturday about people who shoot worshippers in houses of worship. “You should not have to wait years and years.”

+++ 0.05 PM: a helicopter crashed at the stadium of football club Leicester City +++

In the immediate vicinity of the stadium of English football club Leicester City, killed in an accident on Saturday evening a helicopter. According to British media, the helicopter by club owner Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha crashed in the Parking lot next to the King Power stadium and went up in flames. The channel Sky News witnesses reported a ball of fire. Pictures of a fire was seen in the Parking lot. The helicopter was started according to the Reports, a short time before in the stadium. Eyewitnesses reported a sudden stoppage of the tail rotor.

The police in Leicester, called the first, no Details and said only that there was a bet at the stadium. The rescue forces were on the spot, it said. Leicester City announced to submit at a later date, a Declaration, as soon as more facts are confirmed.

it was Unclear how many people were on Board the helicopter, and whether Srivaddhanaprabha was among the passengers. The Thai billionaire is usually to the home of Leicester City from the stadium to fly. The helicopter lands regularly on the Mediterranean circuit. Leicester City had contested on Saturday evening in a League game against West Ham United.

news from Saturday, 28. October

+++ 21.50 PM: man running with Bruce Lee by the station – animal confiscated +++

With a artgeschützten Constrictor around the neck of a 36 invites to a stroll-Year-old the düsseldorf main station and triggered a deployment of the Federal police. The 1.80-Meter-long reptile of the species Boa Constrictor had been seized, informed the fire brigade Düsseldorf, which identified the animal. The alleged owner had not been able to prove that the animal really belong. In addition, the Wearing of the queue in the Public, not to be understood “welfare”. Tomorrow the snake will be handed over to a wildlife Park to start a new life – “until then, you will receive in a warm place at the fire Department shelter,” it said.

+++ 21.16 PM: Seven people die in accident in St. Petersburg +++

In the case of a serious accident with a minibus have been killed in Russia seven people. The minibus met in the evening in St. Petersburg with a truck, as Russian media reported, citing the authorities. The death toll would have all sat in the Minibus. The driver of the truck was injured. Only three weeks ago, 13 people had died in Central Russia, at the time of collision of a minibus with a passenger bus.

+++ 19.26 clock: during the night the daylight saving time ends +++

In the night the summer is ending in Germany. At three o’clock in the morning, the clocks are put back one hour from the previous summer time to normal time. The night is extended by one hour. After the time change, it is in the evening before dark. At the end of March 2018, the watches are presented and then again for an hour.

The summer time was introduced in Germany in 1980. The clock in the spring should be to save energy in the bright Season of the year to contribute, which, however, has hardly any effect. In addition, the change between Normal and summer time some people physically. The EU Commission wants to abolish the time change in the coming year, if the EU governments and the Europe Parliament’s green light.

+++ 19.21 PM: four-summit wants to keep according to Erdogan ceasefire in Idlib store +++

The heads of state and government of Germany, Russia, France and Turkey have stressed in your Syria summit in Istanbul, the necessity of the ceasefire in the Syrian province of Idlib. The summit will “stress the importance of a durable ceasefire, and underscored the urgency of the fight against Terror to continue,” it said in the by the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan picked final Declaration. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) spoke of a “great obligation, that other humanitarian disasters do not happen”.

Turkey and Russia had at 17. September in Sochi, an agreement made by an Offensive of the troops of the Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad to the last Syrian rebel Bastion avert. It provides that the province will be created a demilitarised Zone controlled by the Turkish soldiers and the Russian military police.

+++ 18.17 PM: at Least 68 Syrian fighters in ISIS attack killed +++

In an attack of the so-called Islamic state in Syria sind been killed, according to observers, at least 68 fighters. The Islamists had already started on Friday one of the most serious attacks of recent months, the Syrian Democratic forces (SDF) in the East of the country, reported the Syrian Observatory for human rights. The IS I can take this also of the larger areas to the East of the river Euphrates. Several SDF-fighters are said to have been kidnapped.

Recently, the IS had been attacked by a reinforced positions of the Syrian fighters. The SDF led by Kurdish units and supported by the USA. Due to the bad weather, American combat aircraft would not be able to upgrade the last, reported the UK-based Observatory. The SDF played a decisive role in the fight against the IS, and at the end of the IS strongholds in Al-Rakka and Dair as-Saur. Meanwhile, the Islamists have retreated to smaller areas on the border between Syria and Iraq.

+++ 18.04 PM: writer Terézia Mora with the Büchner prize, has been awarded a is excellent +++

The German-Hungarian writer Terézia Mora (47) in Darmstadt, Germany, the Georg-Büchner prize. The 50.000 Euro endowed award is considered the most important literary award in Germany. The German Academy for language and poetry pays tribute to the honoring Moras “eminent presence and vivid language art, the everyday idiom and poetry, Rhythms and delicacy combines”. In the document it says: “Ruthlessly in her novels and short stories the loneliness of the big city nomads and precarious existences in the view and explores the depths of inner and outer strangeness.”

The award-winning writer and Translator, was born in Hungary and grew up bilingual. Since 1990, she lives in Berlin. For her novel “The monster” – the second volume of a trilogy about the life of IT-specialists, Darius Kopp – prize 2013 of the German book.

+++ 18 p.m.: demonstrations for the PKK leader Öcalan in a number of cities +++

In several German cities, people have demanded the release for PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. The protesters were, among others, in Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Hannover, Frankfurt and Darmstadt on the road. Came to the Kurdish organizations the logged-in demonstrations 80 to about 200 people according to police information, a total of approximately 1000 participants. The protests free were, according to police interference.

The protesters objected to an “exacerbated solitary confinement” for Ocalan and demanded the release of the leader of the outlawed Kurdish workers ‘ party PKK. Ocalan is in prison for high treason, murder and forming a terrorist organization since 1999 on the prison island of Imrali in Turkey in custody. The Turkey makes it to the surface of the war, in charge of the PKK against the Turkish state. The now 69-Year-old was sentenced in 1999 to death. The sentence was however later converted into life imprisonment.

+++ 17.40 PM: shots fired in Pittsburgh – the offender is said to have made +++

After the shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, the offender is supposed to have according to media reports, the police. “There are Dead,” said a police spokesman at the scene in front of journalists. To the number he could not provide information. Three police officers were shot, a suspect was arrested. Later, he spoke of “several Victims.”

US shots with several dead at a synagogue in Pittsburgh – Trump hatred”

convicted of “large-scale operation of the police in Pittsburgh in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania: At a synagogue, there has been a shooting with multiple fatalities. The alleged perpetrator was arrested.


The municipality of Pittsburgh had previously confirmed media reports, that it shots at the synagogue. The channel Fox News and other US media spoke of at least four dead, were, on the whole been eight people shot. Including police officers. Other local media reported up to eight dead.

The shots should be like in the third floor of the house of God. Whether it was also shot outside of the building is unclear. U.S. President Donald Trump called on the people in the area via Twitter to seek protection. Television images showed, as in the Pittsburgh district of Squirrel Hill, a neighborhood where many people of the Jewish faith, a large number of police. People were brought by firemen and police officers in safety.

+++ 17.04 PM: shots fired at synagogue in Pittsburgh +++

At a synagogue in Pittsburgh, it came to shots. The municipality of Pittsburgh confirmed corresponding media reports. The channel Fox News said at least four dead, US media report seven or eight deaths. Television images showed a large police presence in the neighborhood of Squirrel Hill, where the synagogue is located. The security authorities in Pittsburgh via Twitter warned of an “active Shooter” and called on the citizens to avoid the area.

+++ 16.06 PM: clashes in Dortmund between the police and the Hertha Fans +++

The top game in the Bundesliga between Borussia Dortmund and Hertha BSC has been overshadowed by riots. Fans from Berlin delivered a few minutes after the beginning of the match on the North stand of the stadium, a brawl with the police. The Ultras were with the poles against the police officers. These were, as something 100 Hertha Fans had tried to leave the stands.

+++ 15.35 PM: Seven elephants due to electrocution in India +++

killed by A hanging power line has killed in India, seven wild elephants. As an employee of the forest Department said in the Eastern Indian Orissa, crossed the herd of Elephants on the eve of a village, were the animals are in contact with the power line. The villagers, the dead elephant was discovered the next Morning. The elephant had probably left in search of food, their traditional territory. Deforestation, poaching and the expanding villages of the wild elephants living in India restrict the habitat for the remaining approximately 26,000 in free.

+++ 14: 46: At the railway crossing stopped – Bavarian dies in Austria +++

A woman from Bavaria has been killed in the collision of a car with a train in Austria. As the police reported, died in the 54-Year-old from the district of Passau, after your lifethe vehicle companion yesterday at a railway crossing in Dürnstein had not stopped. A day after the accident, near the Danube, the investigators announced the Details of the Victims and the course of events.

The 67-year-old driver from Germany, although reduced in the unrestricted Transition speed, but not stopped, but tried to cross directly in front of the railcar. The conductor warned, therefore, with a beep and braked immediately, the train crashed on the passenger side of the car and pushing it to around 80 meters. The woman died at the scene. Her life was flown companion with severe injuries in a hospital. In the 46 passengers occupied the train, no one was hurt.

+++ 14.35 PM: activists of the coal train occupying the Hambach open pit mine +++

environmental activists, the brown coal blocked in the open pit mine of Hambach. The Alliance to end site voice of Thousands who were sitting in the Rhine area on the tracks: the “hambach railway” transported the coal from the opencast mine to the power plants and factories. The police confirmed the Blockade, but made no information on the number of protesters.

Previously, the police water cannons on the A4 in Kerpen, as activists on the blocked motorway in the direction of the Hambach open pit mine ran. Additional police forces had the following people on the motorway embankment, and also warned over the speaker.

+++ 13.56 watch: British police arrest man after attempted theft of the Magna Carta +++

The police in the UK has detained a man who wanted to be one of the four surviving original copies of the Magna Carta steal. The police announced in Salisbury, was set to the 45-Year-old on bail. He should be tried on Thursday in the Cathedral of Salisbury, to destroy with a Hammer, or the Cabinet, in one of the most important legal documents in the history of the world is shown.

The Magna Carta was on 15. June of 1215 recognised in Runnymede by king John without land and 1297 officially to English law. The several copies of the across the country widely the document was primarily a peace Treaty between the unpopular king and rebellious nobles. Of importance, however, it is mainly because it for the first time, the principle stipulates that no one is above the law. The document guaranteed for the first time, certain rights and liberties of the subjects, and became the basis of many constitutions. Two of the four surviving originals are in the British national library in London, the other two are in the cathedrals of Lincoln and Salisbury. In Salisbury, the Original was replaced after the attempted theft on Thursday by a facsimile, until the Cabinet is repaired.

+++ 13.45: Merkel meets Turkish President Erdogan +++

Chancellor Angela Merkel has taken a four-summit on the future of Syria, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Turkish state channel TRT showed pictures of the two in the Vahdettin pavilion in the Istanbul district of Üsküdar, where the summit will take place. Before the official start of the four-meeting 14 PM Merkel wanted to come to individual talks with Erdogan and Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin. At the summit, France’s head of state, Emmanuel Macron, then

Merkel’s conversation with Erdogan should take according to the program half an hour. The Turkish President is expected to report on the status of the investigation into the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi the saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul. It could also go to the yesterday announced the judgment against the Giessen, Patrick K. (29). He was sentenced to more than seven months in custody because of alleged membership in a terrorist organization to more than six years in prison.