The results are more than alarming: According to a large study, the stocks of thousands of vertebrate species on the earth have shrunk in the past decades by more than half. The decline between 1970 and 2014 amounts to an average of 60 per cent, says the Living Planet Report 2018, the environmental Foundation, WWF and the Zoological society of London.

in the past two years, the Trend with a further two per cent decline stopped. As examples of animals whose populations are shrinking as a lark, the Irrawaddy Dolphin, the box, the partridge and the interference called. The information is based on data from approximately 16.700 populations studied and about 4000 species of vertebrates in the world.

at the same time, the Report, published every two years documented, a growing need of mankind to natural resources. “Our life style is Smoking like a Chain, and binge drinking at the expense of the planet,” said Jörg-Andreas Krüger from the WWF to the twelfth edition of the for the first time 20 years ago, published Reports. Still be but a turnaround is feasible.

Particularly strong holdings of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, and reptiles in South and Central America decreased. Their stock fell by 89 percent compared to 1970.


The main reason for the loss of wild animals is the destruction of natural life, Nerobet much of which disappears in order to create arable land. Three-quarters of the entire country on the earth are affected according to the study, today from human intervention. Also the hunting of endangered species for food production, plays a role. About 300 mammal species are threatened by extinction.

“Germany has been the shocking decline in biological diversity worldwide, a great share. For our way of Life fall in South America, Africa or Asia, the trees, pollute rivers, dwindling animal populations, or species,” says Krüger.

The conservation organization, calls for EU-wide sustainability criteria for imported Agricultural and mineral commodities and an international forest Fund with at least 100 million Euro annual budget. From this Fund could be projects for the forest protection and reforestation in the countries that have cut down for our prosperity of their forests.

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Also in Europe and in Germany, biodiversity is under pressure by monotonous agricultural landscapes with no grassland birds, butterflies, wild bees, and frogs. Therefore, at least 50 percent of the agricultural subsidies should be given only to the farmers, which have been proven to in their fields of climate and environmental protection objectives to be implemented by, for example, reduce the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, in a variety of fruit to follow or species-rich grassland will receive, calls Kruger.

For the Report 3268 individual sources were combined, including long monitoring programs of researchers and “Citizen Science”projects, in which lay the animals.
