Merkel had declared after the bitter loss of votes their party at the state election in Hessen on Monday, commencing in December at the Hamburg CDU party Congress for the party presidency. She wanted to stay until 2021 Chancellor. First, the CDU General Secretary announced Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Minister of health, Jens Spahn their candidacies for the CDU presidency, on Tuesday, Merz moved. The North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister, Armin Laschet, keeping open a decision about that yet.

the value of Union and Bosbach prefer Merz

the Chairman of The conservative Union of values in the Union Merz as the new CDU chief. “Merz has the potential to give the party a clear profile,” said Alexander Mitsch, the Federal Chairman of the Union of the German press Agency. “So he is also for many members of the Union of values and a bearer of hope.” The new CDU-Chairman, had a party and especially on the liberal and conservative wings, “which was passed under Merkel often,” said Mitsch. Merz could fill this role very well, if he put on the content of clear accents.

Also Bosbach relies on Merz. In the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Wednesday) said the former interior expert, Merkel could remain Chancellor if Merz of the CDU-would-in-chief. “Both Parties know that the Union is back again on the road to success, if you work in full confidence,” said Bosbach, who belongs to the conservative wing of Gorabet the CDU.

In the “Passauer Neue Presse” warned Bosbach prior to a hasty end of Merkel’s chancellorship, because then it is very likely the SPD from the coalition would be eliminated. The consequences would be new elections or a renewed tug of war for the formation of a Jamaica-coalition. “In both versions, it would be a months-long political deadlock,” said Bosbach.

to gain Good chances for Merz

The party researcher Oskar Niedermayer looks for Merz good chances, the race for the CDU presidency. “For Merz, there is already support from the Council for the economy and the medium-sized companies, one would have expected for Spahn,” said Niedermayer of the “Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung” (Wednesday). “Merz would be with its economic liberal and socially conservative positions, the clear alternative to Merkel.” For Kramp-Karrenbauer Niedermayer sees as a disadvantage, that it “is seen in the expected power struggle but than realize lianerin”.

Klöckner calls for regional conferences

The Deputy CDU leader Julia Klöckner, called for regional conferences prior to the Congress. “It is important that the candidates to the members now, you have the opportunity, the people and their ideas and ideas better,” said Klöckner of the “Rheinische Post” (Wednesday). Regional conferences would be a good and suitable Format. Klöckner had not made on Tuesday that running for the presidency.

On a series of regional conferences in the spring of 2000 had also been presented to Merkel, before the 10. April 2000, was named at the party Congress in Essen, the CDU leader. The members representative of the party, Henning Otte, also called for this Instrument. “I value the fact that we decide in the case of the closed meeting of the party Executive Committee, a Procedure with which the party base can make in this historically important decision-making an image of your own,” said Otte the editorial network Germany (Wednesday). At the same time, the requirements for a members ‘ survey should be examined.