20. Time, the Bavarian broadcasting Corporation prize awarded on the last Monday of the Bavarian cabaret, will be broadcast in the record on Thursday in the BR-TV. Carrier of the to the occasion, proclaimed anniversary price: The cartoonist Dieter Hanitzsch.

That makes for amazement, because Hanitzsch works not just on stage, but with the pen. From the explanatory statement on the website of the Bavarian radio is not quite clear why the choice fell on him. To Hanitzsch appearances in persona is only read, Hanitzsch enriched it with his presence, the weekly broadcast program “Sunday evening”.

Otherwise, much is made of his drawings; Hanitzschs style was because of his lustful conciseness and humorous sharpness is unmistakable. And: “Until today, its always a clear stance on carried-out drawings appear in the süddeutsche newspaper.”

Hanitzsch no longer works however, already since may for the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. The editorial team parted ways with him after the cartoon had earned it the accusation of anti-Semitism: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in it, with thick lips, a large nose and huge ears. The drawing was taken care of in the Savoybetting case of Jewish associations, in other media and also within the “SZ”-editorial for discussions. The editor-in-chief Wolfgang Krach had apologized.

The switched on German press Council, not objected to, the drawing, however, he saw the border to the discrimination of Jews is not exceeded. The writer and MIRROR-ONLINE-the guest author Timur Vermes wrote in a comment, Hanitzsch is certainly no anti-Semite, and his work, but completely overrated. The cartoonist signed today for the Munich-based “Abendzeitung”.

Hanitzsch for his drawing didn’t apologize, he also stressed in an Interview with the Bayerischer Rundfunk on the occasion of the awarding of the cabaret award. There Hanitzsch says: “And then I have caricatured the Netanyahu how to caricature a politician in this country. That is, it does not make him nicer than he is. A cartoonist is not a beauty surgeon. On the contrary, it makes him oversized ears, makes the nose bigger, and signed him with raised lips.”

winner of this year’s cabaret price is “Extra3”-Moderator, Christian Ehring, the honorary award goes to Otto Waalkes.
