Gain: man stumbles on a ceramic Penis is a work of art destroyed

During an opening of the exhibition in Erlangen, a man on a ceramic tripped over the Penis and the artwork destroyed. For artist Anna Maria Bieniek it is Drama and the “beautiful story” at the same time, as you said on Wednesday: Because of the accident you get well significantly more attention than would otherwise have happened to the 39-Year-old. On the other hand, she says now: “stop guys, it’s actually a work of art.” Several media had already reported about the incident.

Brunswick: a Bad Halloween joke backfires

A bad Halloween joke comes a man in Braunschweig are now expensive. A passer-by had dialed the emergency call, and an apparently lifeless Person with injuries to the face in a dumpster to be reported. The responding officers found locally, then a man who was anything but dead. The drunk alleged Prankster had made up injuries in the face and in the Container, so as to scare passers-by. It worked. The officials found the string but not at all funny, and granted the man a place reference. He also has to pay the bill for the use. The woman suffered a slight shock.

Mannheim: man finds venomous spider in the kitchen

In his kitchen, discovered a Mannheim a poisonous spider from the Mediterranean region. The so-called False widow belongs to the family of Orb spiders such as the highly poisonous Black widow spider, which is known that they are eaten after mating and sometimes the male and herself to the widow. A bite of the False widow can cause severe pain, as the community of interest tarantula (Stuttgart/Ludwigsburg) announced.

The nature protection officer Mannheims took the Wrong widow in custody. According to police information, such animals are usually placed in Zoos or Parks with spider collections. The origin of the spider remained unclear. Normally, it lives in the Mediterranean.

Bernkastel-Kues: Unknown minds Mosel swans, and cut out the chest muscle meat

Unknown to have killed on the banks of the Moselle river in Rhineland-Palatinate, Bernkastel-Kues, several swans, and disassembled. In part, the perpetrators beheaded the animals and cut out you chest muscle meat, the police announced. The Unknown were apparently expertly. The series of killed swans began already on 2. October.

On Monday were killed by the police, according to two swans within two hours. The police believe that the animals were killed above the respective Fund. You seem to have been thrown then in the Mosel and later stranded.

Hamburg: police shoot fleeing motorist

In Hamburg, a police officer shot in the night to Wednesday on a fleeing motorist. The apparently drunk man had to drive on Hamburg mountain in the district of St. Pauli, a parked car, the police announced. Witnesses had observed the 34-year-old man accordingly, and two police patrol to the incident. The caught riders have tried to escape – he was with his car directly to one of the officials in the night, it. The police have fired on the man, and a jump to the roadside in safety. The 34-year-old motorist had been slightly on the Arm and was taken to the hospital injured. You’re looking due to a traffic accident escape, and risk of road traffic against him, police said.

news from Tuesday, 30. October 2018:

Freiburg: man drags accidentally man instead of a woman

That alcohol clouds the senses, had to say on Sunday morning, a 41-year-old man. As reported by the police, he had made in Freiburg’s nightlife a new acquaintance. Obviously, it was sympathetic and so the Duo made “in anticipation”, as the officials write, together, on the way to the hotel room of the man. There, the 41 didn’t have to find-Year – old after the Stripping, however, that it was – contrary to expectations-a woman he had taken. The man is obviously too much: Because he urinated in the port against a wall of the hotel, naked, through the corridors of the delivery and also a clerk knocked her down, had to move out of the police.

Accordingly, the 41-calmed-Year-old only after a conversation with the officials. Then he had given his personal details in order for the resulting damage.

Bamberg: Bank robber after 17 years

determined, Almost 17 years after his last RAID on a suspected Bank robber has been arrested from the area of Bamberg in Berlin. The Bavarian investigators accuse the 51-Year-old, three armed Bank robberies, as the police headquarters lower Franconia and the Prosecutor’s office of Bamberg announced on Tuesday. Therefore, the man is already sitting since mid-October because of heavy extortion in detention.

Between September 2001 and January 2002, the 51-Year-old in the area of Bamberg is supposed to have robbed three banks. He is said to have several Bank employees with a gun threatened. For the first Robbery he’s supposed to be with 16,000 Mark to escape. The other two Raids miss long – the alleged robbers went away empty-handed. The 51-Year-old was 2018 to the attention of the investigators after a found fingerprint could be assigned in the context of a governing old cases searching for the man. He is already a police because of a property offence. According to the prosecution, the man confessed to the deeds.

Unna: Gaffer films fight to the death of the father of a family, the police manages law enforcement a

Several motorists, which are supposed to have filmed on Wednesday last week, on the A44, in the case of Unna, in North Rhine-Westphalia death struggle of a family-father, now face a criminal case. As the police reported, was the family of the ultimately on the scene of the accident the deceased man in the direction of Kassel. Suddenly, the man became ill, he lost consciousness. His wife managed to steer the car on the side strips, and to notify the emergency forces. The emergency doctor who was called to fight with paramedics to the life of the Unconscious – in the end in vain.

Meanwhile, reduced according to the officials, several cars in the left lane films to the opposite lane, your speed, to the struggle of the rescuers to the life of the man with the cell phone. “We find disturbing,” it says in the police report. And further: “Therefore, the colleagues on site have consistently pictures of these drivers that are waiting for the Post. Post the initiation of criminal proceedings relationshipsgsweise of an administrative offense against you can read.” In addition to the fact that the driver at the suffering of others would want to admire, they would have brought by the braking in the fast Lane and other conscious life is in danger. For more information about the cause of death of the deceased father were not mentioned.


police have released some of the photos taken. The drivers were made unrecognizable.

©police Dortmund Hamburg: homeless people die after icy night on a Park bench in the hospital

In Hamburg, is a 43-year-old homeless after a freezing night in the open died. As the “Hamburger Abendblatt” reported, and found a passer-by the woman on Sunday morning, together with a companion on a Park bench. Because the homeless did not respond to the speech, called the Walker a rescue and then started with resuscitation measures. With medical accompaniment, the 43-Year-old came in to the hospital, where she died a short time later. A post-mortem examination is now whether she died of hypothermia. In the night of Sunday reigned in Hamburg frosty temperatures. The winter emergency program of the city for the homeless begins at 1. November.

news of Monday, 29. October 2018:

Berlin: youth harass woman and beat husband low

The Federal police has taken in the Berlin district of Pankow, two teenagers, are provisionally determined, which had initially harassed a 25-Year-old, and then her husband punched and kicked. According to police, the incident occurred early Sunday morning in a S-Bahn.

bothered, Therefore and afflicted the 17-year-old German, as well as the one year younger man from Bosnia-Herzegovina, the 25-Year-old, whose husband got involved. Then Gobahis the Duo attacked the 30-Year-old and punched and stepped on him, as this was already on the ground. Subsequently, the relevant known to police young people fled first to an other S-Bahn, but could be a little later, at the station Berlin-Buch on a provisional basis. Against investigation proceedings have been initiated for insulting and dangerous bodily injury. The 30-year-old victim had to be because of several bruises on the head was treated in the hospital.

Frankfurt: UXO found – 16,000 people from the evacuation of the affected

In Frankfurt has been found on Monday a bomb from the Second world war. The fire Department blocked according to own parts of the district Gallus. Were affected, among other areas of the fair and a railway-line. Around 16,000 people were invited to bring in security. The defusing of the explosive device was planned for the night. How big is the bomb, was initially unclear.

Mühlacker: passenger pulls handbrake at full travel

In Baden-Württemberg must answer a 43-Year-old soon because of dangerous interference in road traffic. As reported by the police, was under the influence of alcohol Accused as a passenger in the car of a 40-Year-old on the road, as it came between the two to a fight. In the course of which the man wanted to move the driver to Stop. As this did not respond, however, have drawn the 43-Year-old suddenly stop the hand brake, causing the woman lost control of her vehicle and initially against a road sign, bounced off, the car remained in a green strip. No one was hurt, the Car however is a damage in the amount of several thousand euros.

Trennewurth: Ten injured in an accident of minibus

In a traffic accident in the West of Schleswig-Holstein, ten harvesters have been injured – some of them difficult. As the police Department in Itzehoe told, was the driver of a minibus in Trennewurth (district of Dithmarschen) to the right of the road. The vehicle overturned and remained in the two-Meter-deep water of the Fleets. In the nine people approved Bus twelve people were sitting. The harvest workers were able to free themselves from the wreck. Three of them were seriously and seven slightly injured.

The 22-year-old driver said according to police information, he was caught with a animal in conflict. The exact circumstances of the accident must be clarified, it said. The Federal highway 5 was during the rescue and salvage work around locked for an hour.

Berlin: a priest with umbrella 27 stabbed – -Year-old in court

Eight months after the violent death of a priest in a French-speaking Catholic community in Berlin-Charlottenburg, the alleged offender is before the court. The Cameroon-born man should have attacked the 54-year-old victim in an office with wooden figures, a flower basket and an umbrella. The 27-Year-old homicide. Compared to witnesses, he shall have it, and declared frankly, that he was under “control spirits”. His lawyers stated on Monday to the start of the process before the district court, the defendant will respond to at a later date.

The defendant was arrested a few hours later on the roof floor of a residential building in Berlin-Reinickendorf. He is now in a psychiatric hospital. The process is on December 31. October continued.

Haibach: trainee is to clean the chopper and dies

A 16-year-old Intern got in an accident on a farm in Bavaria, lost his life. The student died, according to police, when cleaning the transport working on a chaff-cutter. The rescue service have yet to try the young people to revive, but he died at the scene, his serious head injuries.

Meanwhile, it was announced that the 16-Year-old to work in the cleaning between the transport cart and a wheel bearing went, which he suffered ultimately fatal injuries. Against the 28-year-old driver of the wheel loader, an investigation was initiated due to a suspicion of negligent homicide. The criminal division determined, in addition, a post-mortem examination of the victim was requested.

Kreßberg: Drunk puts himself to Sleep in someone else’s bed

A woman from Baden-Württemberg has discovered a sleeping Drunk in your bed. The 25-Year-old was previously travelling with your dog, but had not pulled the door when Leaving the house properly, the police announced. While she went with the dog in Kreßberg in Schwäbisch Hall for a walk, the man opened the door and lay down to Sleep in the bed of the woman. When she got home, she discovered the Stranger and call the police. The officials brought the weary intruder on Sunday morning, home. With the Annoyance of the 20-Year-old must be considered as a police spokesman said. The resident had filed a complaint.

Werdohl: man delivers his wife to the police station from the

and Obviously to deep into the glass, a 37-year-old woman from the district märkischer Kreis, NRW had looked on Saturday night. Her husband saw, at any rate with the condition of his wife, who had previously celebrated an Oktoberfest, so overwhelmed, that he delivered them to the police station in Werdohl. To the officials of the 40-Year-old stated, therefore, that he could not deal with the aggressiveness of his wife.

Because the woman did not know the police officers to behave and unchanged behaved aggressively, were the officials of the desire of the husband in the end. The 37-Year-old the night “to spend your own protection,” in custody, according to a press release.

Berlin: the 23-Year-old fatally low

shot After a brutal dispute between several people in a bar in Berlin, a woman died. The 23-Year-old died on Saturday told tomorrow your “significant injuries,” such as the police and the Prosecutor’s office. A 39-year-old man came with severe injuries in a hospital. The Parties to the dispute will be started according to information from witnesses the night with Axes, Hammers, and baseball bats to each other, as the police announced. Also shots should be like.

the nature of the injuries in the case of the woman and the man, the police made it first, however, there is no information. According to the newspaper “B. Z.” are to be the guests of the bar in the District Gesundbrunnen in poker against each other.

in Front of the restaurant, several people gathered in the night. According to an eyewitness, the police had a large contingent in use. Whether there were also arrests was not immediately known. Reportedly a reference to the rock milieu, it is assumed, officially, the police made it this far.


The police came after the incident with a large number of

©Paul Zinken DPA Schönbach: car smashes into school bus, several injured

In case of an accident with a school bus in the vicinity of Leipzig have been hurt several people. A minimum of three students and the bus driver were brought on Monday morning to outpatient treatment in a hospital. According to police sources, a car from as yet unknown causes on the national road 107. in schönbach on the opposite lane and a school bus collide The car driver suffered serious injuries.

In the Bus, many children and adolescents were in the age between 10 and 18 years, on the way to their schools in Grimma. The exact number of passengers could not call the police first. The information varied between 25 and 40 school children. Uninjured children were taken with replacement buses to get home.

After the collision, the Bus had slid into the ditch and slightly to the side, tilted. The children were able to escape according to the police out of the vehicle.

Hamburg: the 17-Year-old drunk in the S-sleep train Tunnel has selected a

on Saturday night, a 17-Year-old in Hamburg, a dangerous place to Sleep. As reported by the police, it was discovered the youngsters in the Tunnel shortly after a S-Bahn station on an Operating platform. Entering these areas is prohibited in regard to danger to life. Federal police officers took the young man initially in custody. At the station, a breath alcohol level of 1.64 per thousand was found. After the Teenager was handed over to the custody of his old friend. It is an administrative offence proceedings have been initiated.

Kerpen: protesters chain themselves to railroad – emergency braking prevents misfortune

On the outskirts of the protests in the Rhenish brown coal district, a serious accident may have been prevented. A railcar would have been overtaken, near the Hambacher forest close to two protesters who had chained themselves to the tracks. A spokesperson for the police reported on Monday morning about the incident by late Sunday afternoon. The engineer initiated emergency braking. The railcar had come zehnicht meters in front of the chained, who had positioned himself against the onset of darkness there.

The driver suffered a shock. The police transported by the mining operator RWE rented car around 40 people had been taken to the track-occupation of the Hambach-Bahn in custody. They remained unharmed. How many people in the protests, was detained or in custody have been taken, could not tell the police on Monday morning.

Hamburg: Angler “catches” grenade

An Angler has in Hamburg a two-inch-thick mine garnets from the Alster lake fished. According to the police, the man was a so-called magnetic angler who brings with the help of a magnet objects out of the water. Here he carried on Sunday district of alsterdorf, below a bridge, the grenade into the light of day, a police spokesman said on Monday. He then informed the police. The ordnance bomb disposal unit transported the grenade in a professional manner. According to a report of “Day 24” it was the grenade is dangerous and the ammo could detonate. The police have not confirmed this information.

sources: press-portal/police Berlin, press portal/police in Dortmund, Germany “Hamburger Abendblatt”

news from Germany the week of, 22. October to 28. October, you can find here:

news from Germany man running with Bruce Lee by the train station – and raises police use of

Düsseldorf: man running with Bruce Lee by the station – animal confiscated +++ Berlin: the 23-Year-old dies after a violent quarrel in front of Local +++ Michel city: man is in the shopping center include +++ Herne: Incorrect Fundraiser fails on Senior a +++ news from Germany.

AFP ROA/mod/kng / DPA