in the Midst of the huge forecourt of the Paris city hall sits there and is not likely to be a few, a thorn in the eye: The monumental Furoshiki, an Installation by the Japanese architect Tsuyoshi Tane, has already attracted prior to the opening on Thursday look funny.

It is a gift of folded square cloth. Inside countless other Furoshiki, which have been designed by more than 20 artists and fashion designers such as Annette Messager, agnès b., Michel Othoniel, and Jean Paul Gaultier hanging.

Parisian fashion designer make your own Furoshiki

The Furoshiki is a square cloth that is used in Japan for centuries Retrobet as packaging for gifts and as a carrying bag. The cloths, their use goes back to the Nara period (710-794), are printed with traditional and now contemporary Patterns. Fashion designer agnès b. has thought up as a motif for Furoshiki a slash in the air hanging Eiffel tower, Gaultier a colorful floral motif.


Paris, France: The Furoshiki from the Inside


What you can do out of a Furoshiki, to show the sculptures, and in front of the magnificent facade of the town hall, where bags and packaging carry in all shapes and sizes were attached.

The giant installation of up to 6. November to see. The Event will take place in the framework of the months of the culture season, “Paris-Tokyo” and “Japonismes 2018”, the program features numerous art exhibitions and events.

sve / DPA