A creepy discovery of the police in New York puzzles. A Walker discovered recently two bodies were washed up on the shore of the Hudson river in Riverside Park (Manhattan). They were dressed and at their waists and ankles together with duct tape bound. The bodies were facing each other.

After two days, the investigators were sure of one thing: the two dead Saudi-Arabia-born sisters: The 22-year-old Rotana Farea and the 16-year-old Tala Farea, who lived most recently in Fairfax in the state of Virginia, about 350 miles southwest of New York. They had come three years ago with her mother from Saudi Arabia to the USA and had recently made a request for asylum, such as the New York Times reported.

suicide or murder? New York police are investigating

A first hypothesis of the police was that the young women had jumped upstream of the George Washington bridge to take his own life. In the past, after the suicides from the bridge more bodies had been washed up in the Park. However, the investigators had to discard your Thesis. When the autopsy came out, that the body have no injuries that would be incurred in a jump from the 60 metre high water crossing.

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“first, We try to clarify where the two are in the Hudson River,” said a spokesman for the police. Officials therefore looked for the shore areas to the left and to the right of the river – but so far without result. In addition, the investigators want to learn more about the life and environment of the two sisters, because a murder, they do not exclude expressly. Sure the investigators are aware by now that the sisters still lived, as they got into the water.

During the investigations, the officials to know where Tala and Rotana have stopped in Piabet the past weeks, because they were already on the 24. August have been reported as missing.

Play the Saudi diplomats?

it is also Unclear whether Saudi will have to do is cal the diplomats something to do with the case. The newspaper “the Guardian” reported that the mother of the two sisters had turned on the day before the discovery of the bodies to the police. You have received a call from the Saudi Embassy, in which you suggested has been to leave together with her family to the United States.

The Consulate of Saudi Arabia in New York, said that it had appointed its own lawyers to deal with the case, and the affected family to support, and the US authorities co-operation.

The New York police Department after this track, but has also sent investigators to Virginia, more about the lives of the two sisters find out and she asks the population in Use: “anyone Who knows the Two? Anyone who has seen them?”, investigators Dermot F. Shea on Twitter asks, while coroner continue to investigate the cause of death. “We will restore justice for the two women and know exactly what happened”, said Shea against the US media confident.

sources: New York Times, The Guardian, the New York Police Department, the Consulate of Saudi Arabia in New York

you have suicidal thoughts? Help the phone offers pastoral care. It is anonymous, free-of-charge and round-the-clock (0800) 1110111 and (0800) 1110222 accessible. A consultation via E-Mail. A list of Federal-aid stations can be found on the page of the German society for suicide prevention.

wue / with AFP-Material