
“SOKO Leipzig: The shadow man”: Olivia Fareedi (Nilam Farooq) and Tom Kowalski (Steffen Schroeder, r.) to ask a bartender (Philipp Oehme)

©ZDF/Uwe Frauendorf

20:15 clock, ZDF, A case for two: death of a pilot.

The Co-Pilot Philip Kleinbölting is found strangled to death in a Frankfurt crew hotel. His shocked girlfriend, the Stewardess Anne Schmitz (Zsa Zsa Inci Bürkle), is placed in the murder. It is briefly smeared blood on it and confused in the city centre. Benni (Antoine Monot, Jr.) and Leo (Wanja Mues) to determine the colleagues the circle of your client around the Frankfurt airport.

20:15 Uhr, ZDFneo, Father Brown: The Body Snatchers

In search of mushrooms in the forest, Father Brown (Mark Williams) and Mrs. McCarthy (Sorcha Cusack), the recovery of a crashed motorbike driver witnesses. He is transported away from the Corpse undertakers hastily. Father Brown’s sermon at the funeral of the late Alexander. His mother is angry when she discovers her long-time enemy Peter (Richard Lumsden), an undertaker,. As the corpse of Alexander the next day is no longer in the tomb, is father Brown’s attention.

21:15 clock, ZDF SOKO Leipzig: in The shadow of man

in Front of a gay club, Markus Teuber is found slain. His life companion, Jens Rose (Martin Bretschneider) is convinced that only your homophobic neighbor can be Uhlig (Christian Kahrmann) the offender. The deeper the SOKO is immersed in the life Kolaybet of the victim, the clearer it is that Teuber led a double life: Under the name of Klaus Mertens, he lived for 20 years in a happy marriage. Has anyone Teubers revealed secret and him confronted with it?

at 22:00, The First scene of the crime: Five minutes heaven

chief Commissioner Ellen Berlinger (Heike Makatsch) is back after 14 years of absence in their home town of Freiburg. Your 16-year-old daughter has given to you shortly after birth in the care of her mother and she has not been seen since. Even before Ellen informs the family about her return, she is called to her first case. A member of staff of the jobcenter is dead at his Desk. Seemingly a suicide, he left a farewell letter. Quickly, the sense of the new chief Commissioner confirmed, however, that more is hidden behind the case.

at 22:00, Sat1.Gold, der Bulle von Tölz: The miracle of Wemperding

As the dead hermit Heinz Mitteregger rises at his own funeral and suddenly from his coffin, the Tölzer Land of the “miracle of Wemperding”. However, the miracle is of very short duration, because already the next day, mitteregger is found slain and the number of Suspects is large. Benno Berghammer (Ottfried Fischer).
