farmers in Germany to wide may-acting herbicides, such as glyphosate, from 2020, only spraying, if you leave at the same time ten percent of the area as a compensation area untreated. The Federal environment Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) called on Tuesday in Berlin. The plant protection application regulation should be amended accordingly.

The President of the Federal environment Agency (UBA), Maria Krautzberger, criticized the appointment, that glyphosate abtötete as a total herbicide, all plants and thus the food – and the basis of life for many insects and birds destroy. The Problem applies also for other means.

Schulze refers to the desired Change, therefore, all agents that damage the diversity of species. If glyphosate would be used by other, perhaps more harmful plant protection products, was won for the environment nothing, they argued. That mono-cultures can also be due to mechanical weed control, such as plowing produces, remained outside.

MORE on THE TOPIC of warning on the Green, there Is an insect die in Germany?

proposals for the gradual glyphosate-exit

in addition to the General plans for more species diversity on the field, Schulze also their ideas for the gradual phase-out of glyphosate use. The use of the composition of glyphosate is permitted in Germany until the end of 2022 – the government has set out in the coalition agreement, however, the phase-step way to implement. The lead responsibility of the Ministry of agriculture, Julia Klöckner (CDU).

Klöckner had already been presented in April of vertices to be matched since then, between the ministries. A ban in private gardens and in public facilities such as Parks, among other things (read more here).

Schulze wants in addition to areas, a prohibition in “environmentally sensitive” areas and in water protection. In addition, certain types of applications to be prohibited on the fields, and a minimum of 20 meters distance to waters at the time of application are met.

“Controlled powers once again in question,”

Klöckner not commented on the initiative in terms of content, but criticized the action. The goal is to reduce the use of glyphosate, whether you agree, now common results would have to fast. “It also helps in the thing that is already regulated responsibilities once again in question.”

glyphosate – The most Important overview of carcinogenic or non-carcinogenic? Authorities around the world have examined the risks of glyphosate for the population when used properly. To come to a conclusion that the substance is not carcinogenic , including: the German Federal Institute for risk assessment (BfR), the European food safety authority (Efsa), the US environmental protection Agency, EPA, the canadian Assessment Agency, Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), the Australian assessment authority, Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), the Japanese Food Safety Commission, the new Zealand environmental authority, the EPA, the Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) of the world health organization (WHO) and the European chemicals Agency (ECHA) The cancer Agency IARC of the WHO came in 2015, however, to the conclusion that glyphosate “probably carcinogenic” . The Institution studied, however, only whether a substance is, in principle, capable of Pasgol causing cancer. You are not rating how great this risk is and whether there is a concrete risk for the population. Thus, the IARC classifies the hairdressing profession, and the consumption of hot beverages as a “probably carcinogenic”, the rays of the sun and alcohol as “certain carcinogen”. Allegations of manipulation on all sides of glyphosate-supporters and opponents in the debate, their interests with all means to enforce and to weaken the opposite side. The Overview:

– glyphosate manufacturer-Monsanto has apparently tried to influence the decision-making of the European food safety authority (Efsa). The extent to which this was successful is unclear. Also, the company is charged to researchers for positive glyphosate-reports of money paid. The company denies this.

– The Federal Institute for risk assessment (BfR) prior to the throwing the environment the most active, to have passages from the application for approval of Monsanto’s copied. In the introduction to the corresponding Chapter, however, announced that in the Following excerpts from the complaint are reproduced, and the authority has supplemented, if necessary, its own assessment.

– the glyphosate-critical evaluation of IARC (“probably carcinogenic”) was involved in an expert with a conflict of interest. Christopher porter received at least $ 160,000 of US-lawyers, Monsanto in order of potential glyphosate-victims to sue.

– In a Chapter of the IARC report was, according to the Reuters news Agency also in the design stage, in several cases, the evaluation of studies of “non-carcinogenic” in neutral or positive (“cancer”) changed. The IARC denies the. Glyphosate and insects, In connection with the insects die is called glyphosate. Researchers had published in October of 2017, a much-acclaimed study of the shrinkage of the insects in Germany. A proof that pesticides are the cause, not found, especially since the investigation in protected areas took place.

That the conventional agriculture is dying with mono-cultures and pesticides have a role in Insects, but it is not. To reduce the Problem to glyphosate alone, however, is too short.

In September 2018 have shown, researchers in a study that glyphosate can alter the intestinal flora of bees. In a study of 2015, in which the effect of 42 common pesticides on honey bees has been studied, listed, scientists glyphosate to space 42 as compared with the least-toxic. Glyphosate = Monsanto? In connection with glyphosate is usually referred to Monsanto as the manufacturer. The company has brought the substance in the seventies for the first time on the market. The Patent, however, expired in the year 2000. Monsanto, which has since been acquired by Bayer, is up today with a share of about 40 per cent market leader. In addition the company also several dozen other companies offer but world’s glyphosate-containing herbicides.

In Germany are approved according to the Federal office for consumer protection and food safety (BVL) is currently 37 in the medium with glyphosate, sold under 105 brand names. Application in Germany, plants take up glyphosate, especially through the leaves. From there, the active substance passes into the body and blocks the production of amino acids. As a result, the Plant dies. In Germany, glyphosate comes on the field before the Crop is sown. Otherwise, not only the weeds but also the sown Plant would die. Only in exceptional cases, glyphosate is allowed to be before the harvest.

Also, the Greens were critical. Schulze’s submission was not agreed with Klöckner, said group chief Katrin Göring-Eckardt. “According to the Motto: I would love to, if I could. Conclusion by allowing the people to keep secrets.”

The environmental associations Nabu and BUND praised Schulze’s foray in principle, the farmers ‘ Association called him “ill-conceived and unacceptable”.
