Due to a hundred-fold aid to the murder in the concentration camp Stutthof is this Tuesday at a 94-Year-old before the district court of Münster. The defendant should have done as a SS-guard in the German concentration camp near Gdansk from June 1942 to September 1944, in service. According to the indictment, he should have noticed, like in the concentration camp, prisoners were brutally killed.

According to the Dortmund Prosecutor Andreas Brendel, the man from Borken had made as a security guard many cruel murders possible in the first place. His service, he had begun as an 18-Year-old. The Prosecutor, together with a Team at the state criminal police office in North Rhine-Westphalia is responsible for the prosecution of Nazi war crimes.

at Least 27,000 people in the concentration camp Stutthof killed

The International Auschwitz Committee welcomed the process. “We would like to thank especially the Survivors of the camp and their families for the courage and determination, in Münster as a co-plaintiff to testify. This will be a painful day for all of you. You have to like all Oleybet the Survivors, infinitely long in the German judiciary and the justice waiting,” said Vice-President Christoph Heubner.

Auschwitz-process Four-years in prison for former SS man, Oskar Gröning

a Total of killed up to the end of the war, at least 27,000 people in the concentration camp of Stutthof. They were murdered in a gas chamber, with shots in the Neck, killed, or poisoned. They froze to death or died from malnutrition, exhausted by the forced labor or miserable medical care.

Until the middle of January 13 for further hearing scheduled dates. According to Germany, the radio must be responsible for the 94-Year-old before the youth chamber, because he was at the time of the offences he is accused of not 21 years old.

Originally, should be in Münster a second man sitting in the dock. It is disputed whether the man from Wuppertal negotiation. Therefore, the process was separated.