and for all Dating single ladies pretty interesting post relaxing in a Reddit Forum. In the category of “AskReddit” (“Ask Reddit”) posted by the user “Pito_Flacko” the following contribution: “I can’t believe that nobody has said: A group of girls communicated silently with a Look, if she is with a group of guys on the go. It all happens with the eyes. Each of your missteps provides a silent ‘message’ to the girl who sits in front of her. All of the discussions, the need to run over a man, but not in his earshot can discuss, instead of on the toilet.” This observation he had made during a drunken party in the evening. “I felt like Neo, when he decrypted the Code of the Matrix!”

We do not want to reveal here, of course, whether in this secret Code of women is something to it – but a lot of men used this template to tell in turn what they notice in women. Things that the ladies themselves don’t often think about. These are sometimes small things, sometimes quirky, and sometimes surprising.

1. You stare at other women on the Card

Reddit user “Chinmakes5” noticed how the women “staring at attractive girls longer than guys do. I ran time with a beautiful woman through a shopping Mall and everyone was looking at you, men like women (that was a little uncomfortable). Types looked easy, short, women, in contrast, stared, occasionally with a wry look. Before I had ever noticed, now I can never overlook it again.”

2. You show the attitude Comment from discussion Men of Reddit, what is something you notice about women that they think you don’t notice?.

What the user “InternetKidsAreMean” respect for women? “The shoulders. Everything from the attitude of a woman is somehow connected with the shoulders. Also like your hair on you it rests, or if she tries to hide her face behind the shoulders, if you are ashamed, or if she flirts. And everything else, damn it, women are beautiful.”

3. They won’t fail when it comes to Makeup Card

women are not quite convinced that men notice most-even if you are wearing Makeup or not. Wrong. What can’t be overlooked Reddit user “Omipony”: “An orange face and a white neck.” So ladies, the missing little Make-up once in the school, and Restbet a much darker shade for the Foundation selected.

4. Smell – good or bad Card

Everything that you, as a woman in the bathroom, usually has a smell. Vanilla, coconut, flowers and so on. At some point you no longer notice the even. Men, however – “the big mind” respect for women, always, “how you smell. What’s the perfume you wear or what Shampoo you use, stuff like that.”

5. You enchant with your Smile Card

respect, now a “Awwww-Moment”. A user made it clear that, for him, first of all, the Laugh of a woman in the eye jumps. “Your Smile,” he writes. “If it’s real, it’s the most beautiful thing in the world.” But Ladies beware, that under this Posting, numerous comments from other men who say that they recognize a false or contrived Smile or Giggle immediately, and not at all attractive to find find on Reddit.

6. They are sometimes furry, than you think Card

Ups. Posting this might lead many women to a hasty visit to the bathroom to check the truth in it. User “Whargarbeees” claimed him this small area with leg hair “in women on the case frequently, back over the ankle, under the calf.” To him was “don’t give a shit whether you shaved or not and I’m aware of how difficult this job is, I notice these scattered spots. You make me Giggle.”

7. You don’t check you Card

women are interested in is not great for the men in your area, especially if you have a Partner? Well, this is apparently only half-true. Because Reddit user “Sungrey” noticed, “as you watch other men. You can do it lightning fast and nonchalant, but look at men like them. Even if you are with your boyfriend or husband.”

in summary: anyone Who thinks so, men pay attention only to the Po or bust, is wrong. You also a lot of subtleties to fall for your female To. Not only things you, as a woman, previously not thought of, but also things you really didn’t want the men to notice you …
